Chapter 22

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I'm not exactly sure how a courtroom works so please excuse any mistakes.

Liam's POV
My head spins and I rush Louis into the court building, reporters trying to talk to him but he just keeps his head down, holding my hand. We enter the building and in instantly gets quiet.

We have to go through security and he nervously does, nothing going off in the metal detector. I go next and then we walk together to the court room assigned for Louis's case.

There's going to be no jury. It's just up to the judge.

I slowly open the door and the room is empty except for two police men and a person who records everything we say.

"You may sit over there." One of the police men say. We nod and sit down, looking around the room. I have many papers with me reporting about Louis's health and how it's been. I also have the recorded session of us and Zayn should be here any second to talk on behalf of Louis.

I need to get him out.

"Are you okay?" I whisper to him. He just squeezes my hand tighter and I wrap him in my arms. I pull out the bear Niall gave to him from Harry and he gasps, hugging it tightly to his chest.

"Thank you." He says softly, and I nod, running my hand through his hair. The door opens and Zayn and Niall walk in, smiling at us when they see us.

"Hey guys." I say, waving them over. They come and sit next to us, nothing looking really nice.

Louis itches at his pants, tugging at his tie next. The clothes don't fit him well, everything being slightly too big and he looks uncomfortable. He catches me looking at him and I smile, patting his thigh.

One of the police officers walks to the middle.

"All rise for the judge." He says in a strict tone and we stand up. Louis looks confused to I pull his arm, getting him up quickly.

A judge walks in. She's probably in her early 50s and she has dark skin. She makes her way to her chair and then sits down.

"You may all be seated." She says and we all sit down. "May I have Liam Payne up to the stand please." She says, her voice flowing through the empty room.

I nod, fixing my tie and getting up. I bring my papers with me and stand at the little podium.

"And Liam, you are here on behalf of Louis Tomlinson. Who is that?" She asks, peering over her thin, black framed glasses.

I turn around and Louis is raising his hand slowly.

"Please come up, Mr. Tomlinson." She says in a board tone. Louis nods and gets up quickly, fumbling over his feet. He still has the bear gripped tightly in his hands as he makes his way up, standing next to me. "It's okay. No need to be nervous." She says smiling sweetly at him.

"Y-yes." He says quietly. I bump his arm, reminding him what to say. "Your honor." He adds quickly and I nod at him. We swear on the Bible that we will be honest and all that and then it starts.

"So Liam, you're Louis's counselor at the facility he is at. Is that correct?" She asks.

"Yes, your honor." I say, my voice echoing throughout the large room.

"And you believe Louis Tomlinson, is stable enough to be removed from the facilities care and put back into society."

"Yes, your honor."

"You are aware he killed his parents and brother?"

"Yes, your honor. He," I pause clearing my throat, realizing it's a little hoarse. "He was severely sexually abused. I have a recording here." I say, pulling the tape and player out my bag and handing it to the cop who takes it up to the judge. "He wouldn't tel us about it at first but then he finally did." I explain.

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