Chapter Three: Counsel Ball

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Chapter Three: Counsel Ball

Weeks later, everything has been going well. The Salvatore Brothers seem to have taken a liking in us. It's hard to pick one, if Mystic Falls is going to be our home I want someone to spend forever with. Me being human just makes it better because whatever one I chose to be with will be human with me.

I heard a knock onto my door, I opened it to see the dashing Damon himself.

"Kataline, hello" he greeted me.

"Hello Damon, what a pleasent surprise."

"Would you walk with me for a moment?" He asked, holding his hand out.

"Of course" I say taking hand.

We walk out to the garden, the one where Stefan and I had a moment. He sat down on the bench, I followed.

"I wanted to know if I would be able to escort you to the counsel ball." He asked holding my hands.

I smile. "It would be my honour to have you escort me"

His smile grew bigger. And that's when he kissed me. A small peck that sent butterflies in my stomach.

"We should get back" I said getting up.

"Yes, you should get ready. The ball is tonight." He said.

As we walked back the smile on his face never left, and neither did mine.


I stared at myself in the mirror. The blue ruffled dress fitted nicely. My hair was curled and left like it was. No hats or accessories. I hope Stefan had asked Katerina to the ball, I wouldn't want hee to be alone. Moments later I heard a knock on my door.

Opening the door revealed Stefan.

"Stefan. What a surprise. Were you looking for Katherine?" He smiled but shook his head.

"I was actually looking for you. Miss Katherine is being esorted by Damon. I was wondering if I could escort you." My eyes softened for the sweet Salvatore brother. I wondered if Damon changed his mind.

"Stefan..." I started, his smile lowered. "I would be honored to have you escort me."

His smile grew. "Shall we?" He held out his arm to me.

"We shall" and we headed off.


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