Chapter Twelve: Founders Ball Part 2

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Chapter Twelve: Founders Ball Part 2

I pulled up to the Lockwood house and already people were piling in. I got out and began walking towards the door. I noticed Tyler standing at the door greeting everyone that passed by. Thank god I had been to his house many times from his parties that I didn't have to be invited in. As I approached him his eyes went wide with amazement. I heard his heart speed up.

"C-Clary. Welcome." He greeted. I smiled.

"Thanks Tyler. I'll save you the first dance." I said before entering.

I felt 2 pairs of eyes on me. I turned to see both Stefan and Damon staring at me. I waved at them as I began towards them. Then I saw Elena. She held tightly to Stefan's arm and Caroline was right beside Damon. I stopped dead in my track and turned around. I didn't need to be near her at the moment. I didn't notice Caroline tapping on my shoulder.

"Clary oh my god you look beautiful!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her.

"Thank you Caroline, you look stunning as well. The necklace really matches." I comment and she smiles, touching her necklace.

"Thanks. Damon gave it to me actually. It hidioues but I didn't want to say anything." She said giggling.

"Well I think it's a beautiful stone. Topaz I think?" I question.

"Yeah it's November's stone." She said.

My birthday month. I thought.

"Well if you don't want it I could gladly take it." Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed the necklace possessively.

"No. I can't. He told me not to give it to anyone." She said and stomped off to the bathroom. I saw Elena go after her and I gave up. There was something about that necklace that was familiar.


I watched as Elena and Stefan looked at all of the names of the first founder ball. Then she saw Stefan and Damon's name.

"I thought of a lie to tell you that those were the original Salvatore brothers but since you know about us, that was us." He said to Elena with Caroline strung to his side.

"That's amazing actually." She said. Then she saw two other names.

"Katherine Pierce. That's the girl in that photo you kept." She said to Stefan.

"But who Kataline Pierce?" She asked. I winced as she said my name.

"Her twin sister. Very much like her sister. Except for the fact the Kataline was much kinder." Damon said.

He forgot to mention he was in love with me also. I thought.

Damon looked my way and smirked.

"Eavesdropping I see?" He spoke and all eyes turned to me.

"Yeah didn't wanna get too close." I said taking a step forward.

"You look beautiful Clary." Elena complemented me. I nodded.

"Thanks. You too." Then it became awkward.

"Well we should get going, the first dance starts soon." Damon said as he walked off with Caroline.

We all followed and as soon as we entered I was tackled in a hug by Tyler. I laughed at him and saw Elena's eyes looking at me and him.

"Hello everyone." Tyler's mother Carol greeted everyone. "I just want to thank you all for joining me and my family this evening. It's always lovely to see suck familiar faces. Please find a partner for the first dance." She spoke and sent us off to find someone.

I turned to Tyler. "Ready to rock this first dance?" I said shimmying. He laughed.

"Yeah whatever you say Clary."

The music started and I placed my hand on his shoulder and held his hand. His other hand rested on my waist and we danced, following the steps. Everyone was doing the same. Then came the part where they span us and we dance with someone new. Tyler span me and I spun quick and landed in a new pair of arms. Stefan's arms to be exact. It felt good to dance with him. Like old times.

Stefan had convinced me to practice dancing with him. We positioned ourselves and danced around the front yard. Laughs and smiles filled our faces. It was the most fun I had while Damon was gone. Suddenly he picked me up, one arm under my legs and the other around my back. He span us around a few times before stopping.

"I've never had so much fun." I breathed. His eyes never left mine.

"I'm glad. I hoped you would." He said with his face close to mine.

"I'm not with Katherine. I'm in love with her, but I'm also in love with you. It's a very hard choice." He said not leaving my stare.

"I feel the same. But we have something Stefan. Just embrace it." I said and his lips were on mine. I placed my hand on his cheek as we kissed. It was a pleasant surprise that I loved. We let go and placed our foreheads together.

"Told you." I breathed.

That's was the first and last kiss me and Stefan shared. We didn't that another chance to. I looked up at him to see he was smiling down at me.

"Having fun?" He asked. I nodded.

"You can't stay mad at her forever." He said.

"She was going to kill me. Plus when I tell her that I've been around longer she'll hate me forever. So I should have the right." I stated.

"I'd spend the rest of the time making memories with her because if she does hate you forever, you'll want memories to hold on to." He said wisely. I groaned.

"When did you get so wise grandpa?" I joked.

"Been like this my whole life grandma." He joked along and span me away from him. I landed into another seat of arms. These pairs squeezed my waist going lower.

"Buddy, leave your hand on the equator. No higher, no lower." I said before look up into 'my' eyes.

"Being snarky again I see." He taunted. I rolled my eyes.

"Nope just trying to not let a pervert rape me." I smirked. He looked closer at my eyes.

"I've never realized we have the same eyes." He said staring at then closely.

"Keep your eyes open Salvatore. Looks can surprise you." I said. He cocked his head the the side.

"That's necklace... where have I seen it? " He whispered and reached to touch it. When he did he looked at me with wide eyes.

He span me around and I flung back into Tyler's arms.

What had he seen?

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