Chapter Seven: Clarissa Doneve

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Chapter Seven: Clarissa Doneve

2009 aka Present Time

I waited with my friend Bonnie outside of Elena and Jeremy Gilberts house. Today was the first day of our Junior year. Well, my too many years to count of junior year.

Let me explain what I had done. Years and years of watching Stefan and Damon, watching them tear apart, stay together, fall in love, then move back to Mystic Falls. Not once had they gone one day without thinking or talking about me. They'd visit my grave ever so often. Not once had they noticed me as I bumped into them over the years. I'd found out about Elena Gilbert and decided to be her friend. Her best friend. I filled her mind with visions and memories of us as little girls, together all the time. Up until now. She hadn't suspected a thing.

Finally she had exited her house and entered the car.

"Elena, hey." I spoke. She smiled at me from the passenger seat.

"Clary, hi" she said in return.

The silence began but not for long before Bonnie began speaking about how her grams told her about her family history, them being from salum and being witches. I laughed in my mind how I remembered Emily Benette. How I missed her.
Suddenly the car skidded and slid on the road rather quickly. I held tightly to the side before looking at Elena.

"Elena are you okay?!" I asked worried. She nodded slowly.

"I swear that bird came out of nowhere." Bonnie exclaimed.

"I just can't be freaked out my car for at least the rest of my life." Her heavy breathing started to slow to a normal pace. I squeezed her hand before we started off to school once again.


We followed Elena to her locker so she could grab her things. She looked behind her shoulder to see Matt, her other best friend and ex boyfriend. She lightly waved and smiled. He stared at her for a few more seconds before closing his locker and turning away.

"He hates me" she said sadly.

"He doesn't hate you. He's giving you the 'you broke up with me but I still secretly like you' look" I told you.

Bonnie was about to respond when a blonde blur passed and tackled Elena in a hug.

"Elena. Oh my god. How are you? Is she good?" Caroline asked looking at Bonnie.

"I'm fine thank you." She said. I could tell she was lying.

"Are you sure?" Caroline pressed.

"Yes, much better" Elena said nodding.

"Okay well I've got to go but let's all meet up later at the grill! Okay? Bye." Caroline said then walked off to her first class.

"Let's all go to history." I said linking my arms with theirs. We walked off but then Bonnie suddenly stopped at the entrance of the office.

"What are you looking at?" Elena asked.

"Him" Bonnie pointed to the guy facing away from us.

"All I see is back." Elena said.

"It's a hot back." Bonnie exclaimed. "I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar."

"Your really talking this phycis thing seriously aren't you" Elena asked her.

"Pretty much." Bonnie responded.

I couldn't believe who I was seeing right now. I thought.

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