Chapter Twenty- One: Troubles In Paradise

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Chapter Twenty-One: Troubles In Paradise

After the event with Stefan I had gone to my apartment and tried to sleep, although I couldn't stop smiling and worrying. It was amazing to tell him, and for him not to hate me. But struggling to keep the kiss between us from Elena and Damon would be hard. Yes, I still had feelings for Damon. I had feelings for both of them. I was pretty offended when Damon said I was like Katherine, because I wasn't. I was just her blood, her sister that everyone thinks is dead.

Love was freaking complicated. I wish it was simple.


The next day I went to school. I hadn't seen or heard from Elena since yesterday. I entered my first classroom to see Stefan. I sit behind him instead of a few rows back.

Cruel. I can't see you now. I hear his voice ring through my mind.

Stefan Salvatore, your with Elena, act like we are friends. I joke a bit.

Fine. Your loss. I try not to laugh and pay attention.

Elena enters the classroom smiling at us but then frowning instantly. She's in a bad mood. Wonder what happened.

As the class drags on, I see Elena looking back at us and giving Stefan an occasional smile. The bell rings and she's the first one out. I send Stefan a look and he's off to look for her.


At lunch I'm sitting outside with Caroline and Bonnie. I missed them.

"Do you guys know what's up with Elena? She seems pissed at me of something." They both glance at each other nervously, knowing something.

"Guys?" My eyes start to trickle with veins. Not at them but because I haven't eaten in so long. I've really got to get my feeding undercontrol.

"She was walking around late last nightand supposivly heard you and Stefan confess your love for each other." Caroline spat out quickly. I could tell she was scared of my eyes. I stopped and looked at them bewildered.

"What?! I never said that to Stefan!" I exclaimed. Yes I was lying but I didn't need them to find out more.

"Well Damon says-" Caroline starts but I inturrupt.

"Damon? You said Elena was walking last night." I put my hands on my hips and cock my head to the side.

"She was! But Damon said that you loved Stefan." My anger increased with every word. I didn't know who to blame out of this but I had to talk to Elena.

"Clary! Don't!" Bonnie shouted as I walked away to find Elena. She knew what I was doing but nothing could stop me.

An arm pulled my shoulder and I was faced with Damon.

"What do you want Damon?" I groan annoyed.

"To know why you lied to me." He said sternly.

"I don't have to answer anything to you." I shoved my shoulder out of his grasp and walked away. I was too angry to talk nicely.

At the back of the school I saw Elena on the grass near the track. I trudged up to her and stood in front of her hunched offer body.

"What kind of best friend tells their best friends boyfriend that they love him?" She started and stood up slowly.

"You knew he was mine and you liked him anyways! You had no right! I can't believe you! You can't just steal something that you want! You such a bi-" I slapped her. I slapped my best friend. You know why? Because I couldn't hear her heart beating.

"Cut the crap Katherine! I can't hear your heart so tell me what you want." My hand stung for a moment.

She let out a low chuckle before speaking, "your smart, I like it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Look. I just wanted to mess with you guys, thought it'd be fun. Don't worry about Elena, she's home sick." And she was gone.

I still hated her. Yet she still owes me.


I ended up in the boarding house by the evening. I couldn't think of anything else but Stefan the rest of the day. Creepy I know.

I chugged the glass of borbon and set the glass on the tray, bored and in need of something to do. My phone rang, not bothering to read the caller ID I answered.


"Kata- I mean Clary" Stefan's voice stuttered. Ironic how he called me now.

"Haha nice slip up, try not to again. What's up?" I crossed my legs and leaned against the doorframe.

"Elena's sick. Katherine found out about our spoken words last night."

"Oh I know. I kind of slapped her." I shrugged even thought he couldn't see.

"Seriously? You couldn't handle that any better?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry grandpa, I won't do it again." I heard him laugh.

"Alright I've got to go check up on Elena. See you later grandma." And with that he hung up.

I tossed my phone on the couch and span around the living room. The front door slammed and entered a pissed off Damon.

"Answers. Now." He said.


"Why you lied about you liking Stefan." He said it like it was ovious.

"Because, I couldn't think of anything else." I avoided his gaze by looking at the ground.

"So your telling me you came up with a lie to cover up your secret?" He became angrier by each word.

"Yes! Wait I didnt-" I regretted my words once they spilled.

"What are you keeping from me?" He walked closer to me until we were a cm apart.

I brushed a hand through my semi curled hair. I couldn't tell him now. I'd be too soon. I placed both hands on either side of his face. He seemed to calm down from my touch.

"Look, I can't tell you now. If it were up to me I would but it's not the right time. I will tell you in time but I need you to trust me. Can you out do that?" I stared into his eyes and wait for him to say something.

"I already trust you. I can wait." I let out a deep breath and eveloped him in a hug.

"Thanks." I whispered.

He said nothing as we continued to hug, swaying from side to side slightly. My phone rung for the second time today and I went to get it but Damon stopped me.

"What are we?" He asked.

"For now, friends." He let me go with a small smile and I answered my phone.

"Hello?" It was Matt.

"Hey, you need to come to the hospital, Caroline isn't doing good." Matt told me worried.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed in confusion.

"Tyler, her and I were driving and he started freaking out. We crashed and Caroline said she was fine, then she wasn't." I hung up and ran to the door.

"Come on Damon I know you heard everything." He sighed before following me to his mustang.


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