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Joeys POV
Yet another day of pain,suffering and let's not forget all the bullying. I'm not quite sure why everybody thinks I'm gay, oh wait maybe if that bastard Daniel didn't spread that rumor stating that I tried "kissing" him. All I did was accidentally bump heads with him!! And just to make it even more worse he's the most popular boy in school.. Wait Change that in town! What an ass.
Daniels POV
Everyday for me seems great, me being rich and being the most popular boy in town. But in reality it isn't all peachy.. I'm so confused it's a living hell.. I'm not straight.. I'm gay. There I said it I finally admitted it to myself.. I like boys not girls.. I just have to cover up and say I like girls I have to date and kiss them.. I don't wanna disappoint my family, they want what's best for me.. Instead of saying I'm gay, I don't accept it for myself I know I'm gay but I don't accept it. Maybe that's part of the reason I bully that faggot Joey.. But he's pretty cute.. At least I'm pretty good at covering up my emotions.
Joeys POV
Ahh finally time for school the worst part of the day.. I really wish dipshit Daniel isn't there! That's never happened though, he's basically perfect.. So what if I am gay? That doesn't change who I am, I'm still a human being.. At least My friends understand.
D:Oh look what the cat dragged in, it's a faggot.
J:Just leave me alone.. Are you like obsessed with me?
D: Me be obsessed with you?! Who would ever be obsessed with a cowardly faggot boy?
J:Well apparently you.
D:Shut up, at least I can call myself a human being, a regular one too.
Daniels POV
That was close.. I was almost out of character.. Maybe I do have a little crush on Joey.. But I refuse it, maybe he's catching on that I like him! It can't be though, I don't even show my expression..
Joeys POV
Hmm why won't he leave me alone? He sorta stuttered when he said that comeback not really a good one either. Hey maybe if I say that everyday he'll stop! Oh look it's Shane and David!
J:Hey guys!
J:So who's house are we going to later?
S:Oh we're gonna go to mine my parents are out of town and it's only me and my older brother!
Joeys POV
Shane and David are the only people who know gay.. I'm not fully out of the closet I'm slowly getting there though..
They've accepted me for who I am, I haven't even had my first kiss and I'm sure I'm gay. Weird huh? But anyways I can't wait for later, all we do is basically play video games well me and Shane, David just eats everything!
Daniels POV
Nobody can know I'm gay.. Not even my best friend, I can't wait to hang out with him later, I hope his stupid brother Shane isn't there. I think I might tell Josh that I'm gay.. We have been friends since we were 4 I'm sure he'll understand.. Maybe?
Hey guys, another fanfic this one is more serious I love how it turned out! I hope ya'll did too, don't worry I'm still gonna write "An Accidental Love"! And hope you like that "mean girls" reference lol.

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