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Joeys POV
Eeeek!! He's here! I think I look good? My Prince Charming is here, by what he said. "Oh hello there Prince Charming" I say to him.
X:hello there
J:Let's sit on the couch.
X:yeah, why don't get to know eachother more?
J:Just what I was thinking! So what's your name, I realized I didn't know it!
X:Well.. Daniels the name.
J:Oh really? That sounds familiar..
D:It is.. We went high school together..
J:Your telling me that.. Your Daniel Preda?
D:Yeah.. Listen I'm sorry about high school, I only bullied you because i didn't accept myself. The whole time I was gay.. And I saw that you were gay so I had something to make fun off, instead of me..
J:hmm well uh
D:It's ok if you don't forgive me I don't blame you..
Joeys POV
Just like that my hear dropped.. I was so stupid!! How did I not know that it was that dipshit Daniel! I don't know how to react.. I mean he made every day of high school living hell.. And now he's my Prince Charming, what the fuck is wrong with me! I didn't know that he was DANIEL FUCKING PREDA! Calm down Joey.. He is good looking.. I could get lost in his eyes.. And when I saw him my heart was going as fast as a rocket ship.. And after he told me I still feel the Same way..
Daniels POV
I wonder what he's think.. I knew that I would be his Prince Charming.. I'm not sure if he even still wants me to be his Prince Charming after I told him I was Daniel... I just wanna kiss him but what if he doesn't want me.. That is a good possibility.. Maybe I should just leave..?
D:I'll just go, I'm sorry Prince Charming shouldn't treat his Princess like that..
J:Did you just call me princess?
D:Oh I'm sorry, bye..
J:No stay! It's fine..
Joeys POV
Did he really just call me princess?! That's my nickname for him? It's not bad.. I kinda like it..
Daniels POV
He didn't mind that I called him princess, well there his nickname.
D:Listen Joey I'm sorr-
*Joey cut off Daniel by kissing him*
Joeys POV
He keeps saying sorry.. Maybe he really is.. But he did hurt me. He's just so kissable.. Maybe I should kiss him..
Daniels POV
I was saying sorry and just in the middle Joey pushed his lips against mine.. It wasn't that bad. I guess I'm still his Prince Charming.
J:Save your sorry's, I've hear a lot of that, promise me your sorry.
D:I'm sorry I promise I am.. I just wish I didn't make your life hell.
J:At least you didn't make all of it hell, right now you're making it heaven.
Joeys POV
As I lay there on the couch with Daniel I feel safe, something I haven't felt in awhile.. I like that.. But I'm just not sure if I'm ready to be with him. I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive him for everything he's done to me..
Daniels POV
After we kissed, we watched some show that only Joey knows. He was lying on my chest and I could feel his smile. That was one of the best moments I've ever had with him.. Maybe he hasn't forgiven me yet? Maybe all he wants is revenge, but joeys too nice he'd never do that. I've just gotta go with my gut. And it's saying that I should love Joey and that's just what I'm doing.
Hey guys! So ya think revenge or love :).. Ya'll just have to wait, I'm so happy I love ya'll 💋

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