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Joeys POV
I think I'll just have to forgive Daniel? I'm quite sure though.. He is dreamy.. And he's said sorry about 12million times! I think it's time to forgive and forget.. I just wonder how Shane and David are gonna react to what I tell them..
*group chat*
J:Hey guys I have some good news and some weird news too..
S:Well spit it out!
David:yeah spill the beans!
J:Well I'm coming out to my fans in a music video for my song!!
D:That's great!! Hey would there be a junk food table?..
S:You're such a pig David! That's great though Joey!
J:Sorry David the devil isn't aloud in! And now it's time for the weird news.
S:Go on
J:Well I'm going to have a Prince Charming that I'm gonna kiss.. And I found him, but you're not gonna believe who it is.
D:Oh my please don't tell me it's a teacher!
J:Eww noo!!
S:Is it somebody we know?
J:Actually it's Daniel..
S:WHAT?! Daniel Preda?!
D:That asshole?!
J:Yeah.. Apparently he's gay and he only bullied me because he didn't accept himself for he is..
S:Wow I wanna meet Daniel, when can we all hang out?
D:Yeah! I wanna see how much he's changed..
J:Well I guess today's good, he came over yesterday and sorta fell asleep here..
S:Oh my god Joey!! Did you have sex?!
J:What?! Of course not! All we did was cuddle..
S:Is he still there?
D:Yeah! If so I'm coming over right now!
J:Yes he's still here..
I better tell Daniel that they're coming!
J:Uh Daniel?
J:Shane and David are coming over right now, remember them?
D:How couldn't I? It's not like I was best friends with Shane's older brother, and dating David's sister.
J:Oh well they're coming over right now.
D:I'll go if you want me too..
J:No! They've actually came to see you.
Daniels POV
Wow Shane and David are coming just to see me? Well that must mean that Joey talked about me.. I wonder if he said that i stayed over? Im actually nervous to meet them. I guess I have to apologize once again.. But this time I actually mean it to them, not like the other times I said it with sass.
Shane's POV
I wonder why joeys so dumb! Why does he always forgive everybody.. And now he has to forgive Daniel?! Why can't joeys see that Daniel isn't the one who's gonna love Joey, I am. Daniels just gonna hurt him! But if they do love eachother.. I won't interfere..
David's POV
I can't wait to see dipshit Daniel again.. I wonder where he's been the whole time? And why would he just randomly come back? Does he actually like Joey? I think Shane truly loves Joey.. But joeys to stupid to see it. And now he thinks Daniel loves him?
Joeys POV
Hmm I wonder what's gonna happen? Are they gonna forgive eachother? Or is it gonna be high school all over again?
Hey guys!! I can wait to write the next part!! I'm soy excited...! Thanks guys for everything!

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