Coming out..?

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Daniels POV
Well I guess it's time.. I have to tell someone. And I decided it'll be my best friend Josh.. Well fuck it, here it goes!
D:Hey Josh I have something to tell you..
J:Yeah dude?
D:Well I wanted to tell you that.. I..I'm.
J:Dude don't fucking tell me you're a virgin!!
D:Dude what the fuck? No man, I wanted to tell you that I'm..I'm..
J:If you're gay than why do make fun of that Joey kid?
D:I don't know.. Maybe it's cause I don't accept me being gay..
*Shane,Joey and David come home*
J:So you don't accept yourself?
J:don't be afraid, you are who you are for a reason, remember that.
D:thanks man!
Joeys POV
Finally that hell is over, it's time for some video games! Oh my god.. Is that Daniels voice I hear.. Oh no.. I better go, I'll tell Shane I have to go
J:Hey I gotta go, family things,,
S: Oh ok..bye
*19 years later*
Joeys POV
Well who would guess that I'd be a famous Youtuber with over 5million subscribers? Not me for sure.. And I'm also gay.. But nobody knows yet still. Only my best friends, who are still Shane and David surprisingly! And I think it's time for me to come out to my fans.. Therefore my song "Don't wait" comes to play. Unique huh? Now time for the most boring part or could be fun, but picking my actors.. I've found everybody except my Prince. Today I've got 5 guys trying out for the Prince. First guys who shows up has DREADS!! So I immediately call next. Next is a gods looking guy, but he can't act for shit!! Next it the shorted guys even shorter than me.. I call next and there's only 2 more people. And the 4th has the voice of a goat.. I call next hoping that that'll be my Prince. The next guy who come up has chocolate brown hair,is ALOT taller than me and has the greenest eyes.. And his voice is quite cute.. I don't call next this time, I let him act a lil and what can can I say HES AMAZING!! "I think I found my prince" I say to the producer. "You got the part" I say to the mysterious man. I could see him blushing. It was pretty cute! He's pretty cute.. I wonder what his name is? I go up to him and have a chat.
J:Hey you got the part!
X:Really? It's an honor!
J:Oh really?
X:Yep when I saw you were looking a prince I knew I had addition!
J:here I'll give you my number and we can hangout later!
X:Sound good!!
Well at least I'm gonna hang out with him soon!
X:Hey it's your Prince Charming! When should I come over?
J:Now would be good!
X:be there in a bit ;)
Did he just send me a winky face?
I can't wait for him to be here, I'll ask for his name, I realized i didn't even know it!
*To be continued*
Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far!! I really love this one! Wonder what joeys gonna think of "Prince Charming"? 😏

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