Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Comments: It's time for the first challenge! The competitors are selected and the competition begins to heat up. Well, for everyone except for Josh who is too busy dancing. The Ravenclaw team get an idea (well, Robin got an idea) that could get them into trouble. Anyways, who will win? Who will crack under the pressure? Who will die? (Brendan? Sadly, not.)


Alison and Lauren awoke the next morning to the sound of a trumpet.

“What is that?" Lauren yawned.

Alison sat up and rubbed her eyes, Josh entered the girl's tent.

"Hey guys!" Josh beamed. “They are having a meeting for the first challenge, let's go!"

The girls sighed and quickly pulled on their uniforms.

When they arrived in the main tent, Robin, Tyson, Josh, Brendan, and the Weasley twins were already there, seated around a long table with Dumbledore and the other heads of the houses.

Lauren and Alison quickly took seats as Dumbledore began to speak.

"You have all received my letter, if I am not mistaken?"

The competitors nodded their heads.

"Good." Dumbledore continued. “Then you all must be aware that the first task is dueling. However, I will get into that a bit later. There are three competitions in the tournament. Only one of the two competitors from each house is to compete in the first two challenges, but in the third both competitors will compete together."

Everyone exchanged glances.

"Later we will randomly pick who you are dueling with. But now, you can discuss with each other who is competing." Dumbledore stated. "You have ten minutes, meet us back here then."

Everyone exited as quickly as possible.

"Ooh! Can I duel?" Josh smiled when he was inside the Hufflepuff tent.

"No, clearly I am the better dueler!" Brendan challenged.

"Well I actually have a wand and I beat Ron in dueling club." Josh mentioned.

Brendan sighed. "Okay."

In the Ravenclaw tent, Robin and Tyson were discussing.

"This clearly seems like more of a physical challenge." Robin said while looking off into the distance.

"So does that mean I'm doing it?" Tyson questioned.

"If you want to. I'm good at dueling but I'm stronger in more logical challenges." Robin informed.

Tyson nodded. "Okay then."

"I call dueling!" George exclaimed in the Gryffindor tent.

"Fine." Fred replied, sighing.

In the Slytherin tent, Alison and Lauren were pacing around the room, thinking.

"I want to duel." Alison stated, and then yawned.

"Rictusempra!" Lauren exclaimed, pointing her wand at Alison.

Alison collapsed in a fit of laughter, until it stopped.

"What was that for?!" Alison exclaimed.

"You're totally out of it today! You weren't even focused enough to deflect that!" Lauren explained.

"So? It's just the morning! In the afternoon I'll be fine! And I'm good at dueling!" Alison protested.

"You weren't asleep all night! I saw you walking around, reading those books over there." Lauren pointed to the shelf.

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