Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter One

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Chapter Comments: MESS WITH THE GINGERS, YOU'RE GOING TO GET A CAN THROWN AT YOU xD Eh, no one likes Pansy. We meet our first stalkers, woot. And poor Snape needs a decent orange juice for the staff meeting, is that too much to ask for? They meet Hagrid, but don't really get to talk much. Oh well, look foreward to Quidditch coming soon? Ah, the joy of stalkers. I guess their only 'friends' are the Weasley twins. But maybe Alison likes them (or only one of them) more then a friend? ;) DUH DUH DUH!



Alison and Lauren sat beside each other in potions class, their first class of the year. The girls talked to each other in an excited mumble as Draco ran up to them.

"Can I sit beside you?" He asked, placing his books down on the table before they could reply.

"Um... only two people are supposed to sit at each table..." Alison mentioned.

"But it looks like Pansy is waving at you!" Lauren remarked. Sure enough, at a table a few rows over, Pansy Parkinson pointed to the empty seat beside her and continued waving at Draco.

"Actually, on second thought, pull up a chair!" Alison exclaimed.

Draco snatched up a chair and sat between Alison and Lauren. Pansy scowled at them, and Alison stuck her tongue out at her. Even though the girls were disappointed that Draco was in their potions class, Alison still felt sympathy for ANYONE who had to sit beside someone as awful as Pansy.

Snape suddenly entered the room.

"Welcome to Third Year Potions. There will be no wand waving, silly incantations, or foolishness of any sort. Am I understood?" Snape growled as he reached the front of the class.

"Does this count as foolishness?" Alison asked as she got up and began dancing. Lauren quickly joined in. The whole class erupted with laughter. Snape's lip curled as he walked towards them.

"Yes..." He spat as he returned to the front of the class. Alison and Lauren quickly sat down.

"Why did you guys stop?" A voice inquired from the back of the room. The class turned around to see Josh dancing in the doorway.

"Joshua! The Hufflepuffs are supposed to be in Herbology! Get to your class now!" Snape exclaimed.

Josh bowed his head and left the doorframe.

"Err... anyways, where was I? Today we will be making a very specialized potion. It is very difficult to make it correctly so that everyone will enjoy it..." Snape blabbed.

"Enjoy it?" Draco whispered to himself.

"Mr. Malfoy! Not paying attention, huh? Well... good job! Carry on!" Snape smiled. "Your father is paying me not to punish you!"

Draco raised an eyebrow in confusion, and then shrugged.

"Anyways, today we will be making... ORANGE JUICE!" Snape exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. As threw them up, he knocked over an empty punch bowl on his desk. The class went silent as the plastic bowl hit the floor and rolled around.

"Well...?" Snape questioned, waiting for a reaction.

"Do we get to drink it when we're done?" Alison and Lauren asked in unison.

"No!" Snape snapped; they both scowled.

"Now, I don't have enough supplies for everyone, so I'm going to need everyone to get into partners, don't-" Snape began but was cut off as Draco quickly grabbed both Alison and Lauren's arms. "Draco, NOT A GROUP OF THREE!"

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