Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Comments: Oh the joys of Christmas morning! Remember how it was when you were a kid and you woke up bright and early to see "Santa's Magic" ? Well Josh is keeping that magic age 15...Anyways, Lauren and Alison get some pretty interesting presents. Whats abetter way to celebrate Christmas then with your stalkers! Soon everyone is back at Hogwarts. However, Dumbledore has something planned for the Hogwarts students. What will it be?


The next morning, Josh was up bright and early, banging on everyone's doors.

"WAKE UP GUYS! SANTA CAME!" Josh giggled as he ran down the stairs.

"It's six in the morning!" Alison groaned.

Lauren sighed and prodded her to get up, everyone was already downstairs, tired and yawning.

Harry sprinted up to Lauren immediately. "Here! You have to open my present!"

Lauren sighed and accepted the small white box the he handed to her. She didn't think it could be too dangerous, judging by its size.

She opened it to find a lock of black hair. Alarmed, she dropped it.

"Harry, what on earth is that?!" Lauren yelled.

"It's a lock of your hair dyed black! My horoscope said I would marry someone with the same color of hair as me. So this is so we can be together." Harry explained.

Lauren looked at the scattered hair and box on the floor with a disturbed expression.

"Well… then…”

"Should I ask how you got a lock of my hair?" Lauren questioned cautiously.

"Um… Remember the Yule Ball?" Harry began.

"Never mind I don't want to know." Lauren shot back instantly.

"Well I have YOUR present!" Ron smiled, walking up to Alison with a larger box.

"It's not my hair, is it?" Alison scowled.

Ron shook his head, and watched excitedly as she opened the box.

Alison pulled out a white shirt that said: 'I have a soul!' printed in the center of it.

"What the heck is this?" Alison snapped.

"I thought you'd like it?" Ron questioned.

Fred and George held back laughter.

"I find it offensive." Alison stated, shoving it back into the box.

"I knew I should have got the one that said ‘Weasley is my King’" Ron muttered.

Alison face palmed.

"Hey Lauren, open my present." Brendan said, attempting a growl.

Lauren reluctantly took the gift wrapped in Turquoise paper and scowled at the fact Brendan had managed to remember her favorite color.

She tore off the paper and shrieked.

In her hand was a giant piece of Turquoise cardboard paper. On it were pasted photos of her and quotes of things she had said.

"What is this?!" Lauren exclaimed.

"It's the shrine I built of you!" Brendan smiled. "I need it back though."

"Where did you get these pictures?" Lauren asked frantically.

"Well mostly Facebook, I hacked my friends accounts to look at it since you blocked me, then I brought cameras and took pictures of you while you weren't looking!" Brendan explained.

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