"Maybe he likes the maid."

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Started: July 26, 2015. Hey Loves.

I'm just the maid. I cook, clean, and listen, I know everything that goes on in this house. Whether Mr.Bieber tells me or not. Now I'm a very smart maid. I know how to evaluate a problem, especially other people's problems. To me it's fun trying to help Mr. Bieber with his problems. He can trust me.

But, Selena doesn't, shes never liked me from the start. She thinks it's stupid how were the same age but, I'm a maid. For her information I like doing what I do. That's why I do it. Yes I know he has a mother but, I'm still here. I keep him company and still do my job.

And she hates when when her and Justin are having a small disagreement and he brings me I to it to back him up. Hey! Don't get mad at me if your wrong. Bish.

But, the thing that's gets under my skin the most is how she doesn't like how good I am with Justin's siblings. Jazmyn and jaxon don't like Selena, at all. But, they always like seeing me. I honestly don't know why they don't like Selena but, they don't.

But, Selena is gone. She broke up with Mr. Bieber. And he's shattered. Everyday he looks worst. Everyday when I make breakfast we talk less. Usually we'd talk the whole time but, he's shattered, he barely even smiles at me anymore. Oh I just wish I could do something.

I put on my shoes and I walk out of my room and walk down the hall. "Mr. Bieber!" I yell knocking on his door. Yesterday he told me to wake him up in the morning sadly he told me to do this just encase he'd done something stupid the night before.

I know I'm not supposed to but, I grab the doorknob and open the door. I close my eyes immediately just encase you know. I don't see something I'm not suppose to.

I hear a groan and then moving around in the bed. "Y/n?" He ask.
"Uh yes mr. Bieber." I say still looking away. "You can look at me you know."
I turn and see him at the edge of the bed with his feet hanging of the bed. All he has on is his underwear. No shirt.... Wow. He ceases to amaze me every time I see his body. His perfect upper body. His tattoos all over his arms. Those arms.

No y/n don't think like your his maid- oh hello he's sexy as hell. Any girl can admit his sexiness. I really don't understand why Selena would leave such a sexy beast.

"Uh y/n. Did you hear me?" I hear mr. Bieber asking snapping me out of my thought.

"Oh no sir I apologize." I say looking at he floor where his shirt and pants are.

"I said that since it's the holidays you can take off." He says scratching the back of his head. I pick up his shirt and pants of the floor and put them in the hamper by the bed.

"Oh sir that won't be necessary. I can stay here with you and Esther." I say pointing at the little dog at the end of his bed yawning. It's not that I don't want to see my family, but they can be a little rowdy sometimes. They always go to parties and get drunk. And I don't wanna get caught in all of that. I have a very nice job.

And they also except to much from me. I may be just a maid but, I went to college and graduated at the top of class. And when I told them I was a maid for Justin Bieber well they we shocked. I'd love to be a successful business woman or something big. But, I like taking care of people. That's what I'm good at.

"Sir you know how my family is. But,i won't just go down and see them." I say looking down at my feet. I'd never refuse to my boss but, I just don't wanna.

"Why do you wanna stay here with me?" He asked giving me a questioning look.

"Well I uh. Is my job.. I uh..and you and Esther uh need me and uh. Well you uh.." I just stop myself and look at the other side of the room.

"Your afraid of your family. Not because they're partiers but because, you could have been successful." I twist my head his direction with a face full of shock. He's remembered everything I'd said about me. I know he pays attention but, he knew.

"Now you don't have to take the day off but, one day your gonna have to see that family of yours. And put your foot down. Your smart and beautiful. And I still question why your a maid, but you chose your life and they should respect that."

He called me smart and beautiful and something else, but he called me smart and beautiful. Me. Wait where's the cameras? Who's the director? This hunk of idk what called me smart and beautiful.

My cheeks instantly become red from his comment. "Well I'll be down stairs making your breakfast." I say smiling at him.

"Alright y/n." He said smiling back. He smiled, for the first time in forever he smiled right at meeeee...

Y/n your crazy.
[<\\>] \^|^/

We're actually talking during breakfast. I totally miss doing this.

"Mr. Bieber you like the bacon?"

"Yes. I do. It taste great."

"That's good to know, you know since it fell on the floor a couple times." I say smiling at him and return back to sweeping.

"Floor bacon is good. It's nice and a lil brown. Crispy, it's got the perfect curves..." I said and taking a bite out of the price of bacon in his head.

Am I suppose to be rapidly fan girl'in in my head. Like booooooooooooooo he likes tha Cocoa. Just so he knows, I like the milk, a nice long glass of milk.

"But, anyway what's your opinion on my new Calvin Klein photos?" He asked slowly munching on his bacon.

"I think they look sexy af I mean you can take me any day. You can model for me if you won't. Matter a fact can we do that for desert tonight?" Fück no I'm not about to say that to him. Although wooooooooooo who the fück wouldn't .

"I think that choosing you as their new face was a very good business choice." I say putting the broom up and standing in front of the counter in front of him. I take a small sip of my milk and and put the glass back on table.

"So what do you think about the pictures." I lifts up one of his eyebrows and gives me a sly smile.

Ohmymotherfluckijggawdshiamsowetohmygawshshshshshshshjdnfinfwoiuzyfnsomcnaoemnfufhgbrow. First I would like to say that yo smile is sext af. And yo eye brows on fleek... So boo boo when am I gonna have yo children with yo six pack sexy looking ass.

"I er. I think you looked... Professional." What the fück is wrong with me. *face palm*.
"I just look professional? That's it? Aren't you a fellow belieber ?" The fuck what am I? 10? I get to see with out a shirt on everyday, I can make videos with you. I get to touch your cloths or you. Why tf do I need to fan girl from a damn distance? If I can have the real thing. Come on girl I know you gotta brain, use it.

"I wouldn't consider myself a Bieleber. I mean I work for you... So I don't really have to fan girl and screw, about how sexy you look with out a shirt on. Or how cute your tattoos make you look."

Did I seriously just say that. What the frickty fück I wrong with me?

"So you think I'm sexy, {y/n} ?" He ask me standing up and making his way over to me. "Well that's what a fan would say right?" He ask questioningly with my hands and laughing a bit. Oh shit...

"But you said it so doesn't that make you fan?" At his point I'm backing up against wall. "I don't know, Sir. Uh er, do-does it?" She put hand above me on the behind me.

"Call me Justin for now on {y/n}. Baby girl..."


Oh my gawd part 2. Plz send in request and read my other stories, thank you and bye.👌✌️✋👐💪🙌💋👀👂

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