You make them by rolling up paper, applying hot glue in the designated pattern, and poof, you have a wand.
Mine wand is the (and no, not evil just because I'm Slytherin... Sheesh, you Gryffindorks are so biased. Not you, Ravenclaws) yeah, so mine, the second one from the left, is ebony wood with a dragon heartstring core (NERD POWER!!!!!)
So yeah, my mom's (she's a Hufflepuff) is the second to the right, (Pear wood with a Unicorn hair core.) And my dad (Gryffindork) hasn't finished his yet, (Poplar wood with Unicorn hair core) so no peeking. (I'm talking to you! Yeah, you, now shoo!)Please do feel free to inform me if you liked the sheer, pure and unfiltered nerd that this chapter was absolutely drenched in.
Haha, tell me if ya liked it! Thanks!
Stuff I've Drawn! [complete]
RandomAka cringe material Please look at one of the more recent art books instead. I beg you.