I named your cat version Princess. Makes sense.
I think.
Let me know if you want a different name.
Or, if the cat version of you wants a name change.
Then again, how would you know if a cat version of yourself wanted a new name? I mean, you are the same person, but she's a cat. You're a human. I don't know. I'll just stop now.Her face looks oddly crooked.
Also, this is the third time I've drawn and colored this cat.
I made the mistake of overfilling the comic markers I was using for this and weelllll.... Not good.
Her whole face was green.
So unless your into that kind of thing...Her paws are so dainty.
I'm getting off track again.
Okay bye.
Stuff I've Drawn! [complete]
RandomAka cringe material Please look at one of the more recent art books instead. I beg you.