Harry Potter Wand. (PrincessOfFireAndIce)

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To my friend, PrincessOfFireAndIce.
Last update, you asked for a wand. Here it is! A Redwood and Dragon Heartstring core wand, 13 inches.
(Note that in reality it's just made with paper and hot glue)
Round of applause for me! *cricket chirps* my word, you Gryffindorks are so rude. Carrying on...
PrincessOfFireAndIce, I hope you like it!
I can make one out of real wood next. Just ask me to.

(Update: it's been a few weeks since I have it to her. You wouldn't believe how annoying it is to take your friend to the movies and get smacked in the head with a wand while they stand up in front of everyone and shout spells at the screen. Throughout the whole movie.)

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