First off, I didn't even draw this.
My friend, faffreux drew this while we were in Biology because we had finished the assignment for the day.
Oh yeah, and she also posted this on her tumblr! Her user is BassoonBoss and her blog is megatrousle.Let me explain what's going on in this picture.
Toriel and Asgore have just gotten married, and as you can see, they have earned the '#1 Nose Nuzzling Champions' award.
Omega Flowey(even though in this timeline Asriel doesn't exist yet so I have no idea how Omega Flowey is there) is in the background, looking at the audience. He's saying, "Bet you $5 this isn't going to last."
Naturally, it doesn't last.It's perfect and absolutely beautiful.
Stuff I've Drawn! [complete]
RandomAka cringe material Please look at one of the more recent art books instead. I beg you.