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Clovis had a nightmare. He dreamt that he was back in the front of his parents' burned house. Tall buildings towered the lands. A large landmark was plopped on top of a distant mountain. Above him, the night took over, and the rain poured heavily. The large mansion he once lived in was now turned into rubble. Near it, below the old tree that was there since his birth, was a shadowy figure that faced his direction. Clovis couldn't tell if it was looking at him since the face was covered by a hood. Then, a voice spoke in his head "Soon, she will know" it said.
"No!" Clovis screamed. It began to float. As it moved closer, Clovis began to experience pain. His head hurt and his knees buckled. Pain washed all over his body. Finally, the figure began to dissolve, but as it did, painful and unforgettable memories flashed before his mind. His parents left burning in his old house, his sufferings in the legion, all of them washed over his body like poison spreading.
Then he woke up. He had a good view of Laviel's face.
He felt like only slept for seconds, though the Sun was up in the sky. Slowly, the grass started to change color.
"What happened?" Clovis asked.
"You looked like you were having a bad dream" Laviel said.
"A very bad dream" Clovis thought.
"What's for breakfast?"
"It's right in front of you" Laviel pointed towards the ground. Two sandwiches with ham on the middle sat on the ground. One was bitten, which was obviously Laviel's. Two mugs laid down, filled with orange juice.
"Where did you get the mugs and bread?" Clovis asked, taking a bite from his sandwich.
"From a nearby market"
Clovis smiled "So that's where you got the meat right?"
"Then where-"
"Just eat it" Laviel snapped. It was peaceful. The trees lined the perimeter, each starting to change color. The river in front of them flowed freely. The river snaked around the mountain, which made crossing on foot difficult.
"What do we plan on doing today?" Clovis asked.
"I was thinking-" She took a bite from her sandwich "We can get some fur. I heard there were tigers around here"
Clovis wanted to say "If you need the fur for warmth, we could just cuddle", but he stopped himself. She already had a fur coat, she was warm enough.
"Fur what?" Clovis asked, pointing at Laviel.
Laviel giggled and punched him on the shoulders, though there was no force. "Fur money" Laviel said.
Clovis was glad she had a sense of humor. Very few of his companions did.
"We cross the river, and try to kill a few tigers" Laviel suggested. Clovis stuffed his sandwich on his pocket.
"What are you doing?" Laviel laughed.
"Storing it for later"
Laviel spread her arms "Oh well. I can't stop your true nature anyway"
"Shut up" Clovis said.
Together, they walked over to the river.

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