Liam Disney Honeymoon (Personal)

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IM BACK AND FULL OF IDEAS!! So this imagine is dedicated to @ers917 Thank you for waiting so patiently for me!! I appreciate it!! Anyways, ON WARDS WITH THE IMAGINE

Your POV

Liam and I recently got married and we were on our honeymoon. I didn't know where we were going because according to Liam, "It will ruin the whole purpose of me planning everything!" He was so childish, but I can't complain because I'm also childish haha! We were on our hotel packing up our bags to go to our destination. "Love are you ready?" "Yeah, wait a second!" you responded while grabbing your passport and your suitcase. "READY!!" you exclaimed while smiling brightly at him. He smiled back at you and opened the door "Shall we go?" he said like a gentleman while offering his arm. "We shall" you replied playing along. Both of you started laughing and walked towards the Taxi that came to pick you guys up. 


Liam's POV

It was a pretty long flight, but now that the plane is descending I'm excited to see (Y/N) reaction when she notices where we are going. At the beginning of the trip I put my hands on her ears so she wouldn't here where we are going. But now, I don't have to. I noticed her stir on her seat and open her eyes. "Hello sleepy head" I chuckled, the only response I got was a smile and she left her head on my shoulder once again. "We are now descending to Florida, USA. Current time is 2pm, we have a nice weather..." and the rest was forgotten. Because right beside me, (Y/N) gave a startled gasp and turn to look at me. "Disney" she whispered while covering her mouth. Her dream was coming to Disney since she was little. "Disney" I told her and smiled. She started laughing and hugged me tight. It was kind of awkward because we were sitting and we couldn't stand up, so I better return the hug properly when we get off the plane. After the plane came to a stop and we got out of the plane. (Y/N) jumped to my arms while repeatedly saying "I love you I love you I love you I love you" I could only laugh and hug her tight "I love you too." While (Y/N) calmed down, I could hear whispers going around me, "Is that Liam?!" "Omg that's (Y/N)" "They are so cute together" "Congrats to the happy couple" I knew (Y/N) heard them because she immediately started blushing. I hugged her close to me and took her out the airport and towards our hotel. And she will literally scream her head off when she sees where we are staying.

Your POV

I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT, I WAS GOING TO DISNEY. AND TO MAKE IT BETTER, WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. We were on the car going towards the hotel were we are staying, Liam wouldn't tell me where we were staying so the only thing I could do was pout and wait. "HOLY SHIT (sorry for swearing!) ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!" I turned around to look at Liam and he just laughed at my reaction. "WE ARE FREAKING STAYING AT THE DISNEY HOTEL, LIKE THE DISNEY HOTEL!!!" I screamed and jumped on Liam's arms once again, "I love you so so so so so so much" I put my head on the crook of his neck and hugged him tight. "I love you more" he laughed and hugged me tight as well. "Well, it's still early, so should we go to Disney right now?" he asked and looked down at me. I looked up and shouted "YES" while running towards the hotel room to put our things on the room and get to Disney. WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY!!


We were currently walking down main street so we could go to the games. The fans knew that Liam and me were going to our honeymoon, so they were so nice on letting us have our space!! There were so many games, so many stores and so many food! I looked up and told him "Can we go to the Peter Pan one?" He smiled and said "Lead the way" and extended his arm motioning me to go in front, instead I grabbed his hand and pulled him all the way while exclaiming "PETER PAN, PETER PAN, PETER PAN" you could hear Liam laughing and some of the fans that noticed us laugh at us or taking pictures or videos. "I'm pretty sure I look like a weirdo" I said while looking down blushing. "But you are my weirdo" when I heard that I smiled at him and kissed him. I swear the kiss made all the fans around us crazy. Pictures and videos were taken and they were smiling at us, but they didn't go near us, they respected our space. I turned towards the fans and said out loud "Thank you so much for giving us space" Liam then continued "You guys are amazing, thank you for leaving me at this time alone with my wife" when Liam said wife, the fans went crazy again. I just laughed and pulled Liam throughout the park. It was going to be a long day full of games, rides and pictures!!


Liam's POV

I was sitting down on the ground waiting for (Y/N), she went to the bathroom and she specifically told me "Don't move, because those are our places for the fireworks" and with that said, I hadn't move a single muscle. "Back" I heard from behind me and (Y/N) appeared from the crowd that was behind me, "About time" I responded laughing and pulling her down. She sat in between my legs and rested her back against my chest. "What did you bought?" "Popcorn!" she responded while showing me the bucket full of popcorn. "Here" she said while giving me one on the mouth. We were eating popcorn and occasionally playing with each other when the lights went down. The fireworks were starting. We had to stand up, so I pulled (Y/N) with me and hugged her from behind so she could be in front of me and I could watch her. She had a huge smile on her face and she gasped every time the fireworks went on. So cute, I thought. I leaned down and whispered on her ear "I love you" she turned around and kissed me "I love you too" and once again, the fans went crazy, this time only giggling and taking pictures and videos. We returned on watching the fireworks, they were truly amazing! Nothing could disturb this moment. (Y/N) was happy, I was happy, everything was perfect, because the love of my life was beside me sharing this moment with me.


-Vanny Va

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