Louis Imagine

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"HARRY EDWARD STYLES" you shouted to your best friend, he arranged a date for you and his best friend Louis "(Y/N)!!!" He shouted while pushing you out the door 'HAVE FUN!!" He shouted "I HATE YOU" you screamed "That will be two of us" someone said behind you, you turned around and saw Louis "Hey Louis!!" "Hi (Y/N)" you hugged Louis and kissed him, what Harry didnt know is that you and Louis had been dating for weeks now, so you have to pretend to be distant. "Piggy back ride?" Louis said "YES" you said while jumping on his back. He laughed and start running to his place "What are we doing today?" you asked "Well......we can go to the pool?" "THEN I HAVE TO GO BACK" "OK BUT DON'T SHOUT" "Sorry" you said while grinning. You went to yours and Harry's flat and went inside "I'M HOME" you shouted while Louis still carrying you. Harry came running to the front door and saw you and Louis, he pointed at you and then at Louis "Wait....what?!?!" he said. You looked at Louis and kissed him in front of Harry. "I KNEW IT, I FREAKING NEW IT!!!!!" He shouted while running all over the house, you and Louis start laughing until Harry calmed down, "so what now?" "I'm going to Louis's place to the pool" you responded, while going to your room for a bag, you returned and saw Harry and Louis "fighting" with each other. You laughed because instead of looking like two "men" fighting, it looked like they were "kittens" xD You went out the door and shouted "BYE!!" Louis turned around and went after you, "NO PDA, I DON'T WANT TO BE AN UNCLE" Harry shouted, you laughed. "NO PDA" Louis and you said at the same time. Louis grabbed your hand and both of you went skipping the rest of the way to his place. And lets say that Harry was grinning like crazy, because his two best friends were dating, because that was his "mission".

I know kind of crappy but here you go!!

-Vanny Va

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