Imagine for Zaria Schmidt

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You worked on Starbucks with your other friend, but your other friend wasn't a "friend" she was just ther because she couldn't talk to anyone. You worked your shift with your "friend", suddenly your friend shouted and you looked at her, she run towards you and pushed you to the floor so she could stand in front of the cashier. You immediately recognized the person it was Louis Tomlinson from the band One Direction!! You like them and have a tiny crush on Louis. Louis saw what happen and walked towards you. Your "friend" blocked his way by flirting with him and asking what he wanted, Louis passed over her and got towards you. He offer you his hand and stand up. "Hi, there mi name is Louis" "Zaria" "Well, since your friend was rude to you," he said that aloud so she could hear what he said "can you take my order and yours too?" "Why mine?" "Because I'm taking you on a date right now" you were shocked so you stood up and pass through to the cashier, you took Louis's order and order yourself too. After finishing the orders, you handed them to Louis "I talked with your manager, you are coming with me" he grinned and took your hand. You walked on the park while drinking your drinks. You talked and found out that you had a lot in common!! Louis walked you to your house, you live with your friends. You walked to your front porch and saw your friends peeking on the window to see what was going on. "Thank you Louis for the date" "No problem Zaria, but can I ask you a question?" "Yeah sure" "Can I kiss you?" "Um... yeah" after you respond, he started leaning in and you did the same, and before you knew it you had kissed him. After the kiss, your arms were behind his neck and his arms on your waist. "I think this is so sudden, but can you be my girlfriend?" you respond him by pecking his lips and saying yes. You entered your flat and saw your friends with their mouths hanging open. "What?" "That. Was. LOUIS TOMLINSON!?!?" "Yeah, why?" "Tell us the details!!" After that night you knew Louis was going to be a great boyfriend. Over the time he became the best husband and father.

There you go Zaria!!

-Vanny Va

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