#5 Your baby's first steps

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You and Niall were viewing the TV meanwhile Liam is sitting in the floor playing with his toys, you were pregnant with your second baby, so you have to rest. Niall got bored and went and got snacks for the three of you, menahwile he was gone you tried to get up and sit on the floor to play with Liam. Liam immediately stand up and start preparing for his first steps. "NIALL, LIAM IS GOING TO WALK!!" you shouted, you only heard a plate breaking and foot steps running to where you are, "did he start?" Niall asked "No, but he will, bring the camera fast!" you said. He went running for his camera and sat down opposite you. "Liam, walk to daddy, come on" Niall said, Liam heard his voice and turned around, he was slowly taking his first steps and you were crying from the exciement. Liam maded it to Niall "YEAH BUDY" he shouted while grabbing Liam and spinning in circles. You just smiled and hug both of them. Niall went and tell all the boys, in five minutes the house was full with the boys and their wifes screaming things like "LET ME SEE" "SHOW US" "I WANT TO SEE LITTLE ME WALK" the last comment you know who was.


You were in the floor in front of the TV with your daughter Maggie and your son Thomas, Maggie was five years old and Thomas hadn't had his first steps yet. You were watching your husband Louis doing an interview, when suddeny Thomas stand up and wanted to walk. "MAGGIE GET ME THE PHONE" you shouted while grabbing your son and sitting him. You called Louis, in the interview you saw everything "Hello?" Louis respond "LOUIS, THOMAS WANTS TO WALK NOW" you shouted "SIT HIM, I'LL BE RIGHT OVER" you saw in the interview him shouting "Sorry, but Thomas is walking and I have to be there!!" Moments later you, Louis and Maggie were with Thomas in the floor. Thomas rise and start walking towards Louis, Louis was crying from excitement, when Thomas reached Louis he said also his FIRST WORD "Dadda" "(Y/N) HE SAID DADDA, HIS FIRST WORD!!" Louis and you were crying meanwhile Maggie went and told her uncles to come over. Harry was the first one and said "WHERE IS TOMMY" you were crying all the time meanwhile the boys came and congratulated your son for making his first steps AND his first word.


You were in Home Chapels with your husband Harry Styles and your son and daughter .William was 3 years old and Darcy was 2 not big of age difference 1 year and 6 months only. Anyway you were in the living room with Gemma and Anne just talking about stuff until you heard somebody scream. "(YN)!!!!" it was Harry. You quickly got up and ran with Gemma and Anne following behind you. That was when you saw Darcy standing up and Harry holding her. "Gemma hurry and  get the camera" Anne told Gemma while poiting where the camera was. You quickly got on your knees and started to say "Come to mummy, Darcy come to mummy". That were you saw it her taking her first step, when she finally came to you, you looked up to see Harry crying while holding William.Of course Gemma took advantage and put the camera in his face so that she could tease him later while showing him the video where he cried, but he just didn't care he had the biggest smile on earth the whole week.


You were in the park with your husband Liam and your son Zachary, you were lying there just admiring the clouds, well you and Liam because Zachary was just a baby. When you sat down in the grass Zachary start standing up! "LIAM, LIAM, COME HERE!!" you were shouting at your husband because he went to get some ice cream. Liam heard you and turn around, when he saw Zachary standing he left the line and ran ans it opposite you. "Zachary come here baby come here" Liam said in a baby voice, suprisingly Zachary heard Liam and start walking! You had the camera and start recording every movement Zachary made. Zachary reached Liam and he stand up and spinn him in circles. You were happy too so you celebrate by eating ice cream and visiting the other boys to tell them the news.


Zayn was carrying Noah and you were carrying Amelia around the park because you were going to do a picnic. You sit down in your spot and leave  Noah and Amelia sitting down facing you meanwhile you got the food out. Zayn and you finish gotting all the food and when you turned around Noah and Amelia start standng up, OH GOD BOTH OF THEM WERE GOING TO WALK you though. Apparently Zayn read your mind because he ran to the bag and got the recording camera out. "Noah, Amelia come here babies come with mummy" Your babies were smiling at you and start taking their first steps. Zayn and you were pratcially squealing from the excitement. Noah and Amelia fall but they did make their first steps. And Noah and Amelia knew what was going on because insead of crying they just laugh and smile up to you and your almost crying husband  Zayn.

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