Marinette is being sent to a camp in Canada by her class against her will. She and her family couldn't believe that her former friends did this to her. Her family was so ticked at her school doing this. They called the school board to do an investig...
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It was just another ordinary day like any other for the girls. Where they are with the rest of the campers, listening to what Chris has to say about their next challenge for today. "Bass, Gophers, girls, today's challenge is a true summer-camp experience, a canoe trip." he said, showing them the canoes that are at the beach of the island for them all. "You'll be paddling your canoes across the Bony Island." he said with a spooky voice in the end while showing them a map of Bony Island and Amanda rolls her eyes not amused when her father used a spooky voice when telling them where they're going to. "When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, Dense Jungle." "We got to pour what?" Geoff asked. "Portage." Amanda said, air quoting the word portage, correcting Geoff. "Dude, walk with your canoe." Chris said in other words. "Oh." Chris continued, "When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home, and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move, campers! Move!" The campers then headed out to get to the canoes to portage. "Oh, wait." Chris said, making them stop at their tracks. "One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island," "For crying out loud, please don't use the spooky voice again." Amanda muttered. However, karma did not go her way, and Chris does so anyway, "You'll be cursed forever." "Why does he always do that?" Amanda muttered under her breath as she and her friends now continued on heading down to the canoes while Owen was cheering on and the rest of the campers were looking shocked, and then moved on following the girls.
"Chris told us to pick a paddle partner. It was time for me to make my move. If I could just get Gwen or Lucy alone for five minutes, I knew I could woo one of them with my manly charms."
As the campers were walking down to get to the canoes, Trent was signaling to Marinette, she smiled, and walked down next to them and they both headed to the canoe of their choice. While Gwen, Lucy, and Amanda smiled at that scene. "I say we let these two partners up." Amanda whispers to the two, making them nod in agreement.
"I think it was nice of Trent to partner up with me. And who knows, we might end up becoming really good friends."
As the three were heading down, Cody was wrapping his arm around Gwen, which surprised the three, and snapping them out of their friendly little matchmaking. "Come on, Gwen! You and me, open water, what do you say?" Lucy and Amanda looked surprised to see that, but since they know that it's supposed to be a two paddle partner challenge, they shrugged and walked off to the canoe that has both a royal purple and gold color with the three initials A, L, and M, all three in gold, that Chris made for them in case they, along with Marinette, want to partner up as a group. Lucy, of course, signaled an apology to Gwen, she saw and understood what they're saying and doing, and sighed, "Fine. but I'm in charge." "That's the way I like it."