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Author's Note:

 I'm gonna start making the chapters longer now! Hope you enjoy x


Leah's P.O.V:

The drive to the Uni was about 2 hours. If I was accepted, I would make the move, but I am never sure about anything these days, and I do like my current apartment. I pull into the block and there are cars lined up for africa. I surf all the side streets, hoping to find a stray car park. I see a light at the end of the tunnel: a free car park! I indicate and as I go to turn into the space, some jerk, in a Range Rover,  flies past and fills the space. I honk and exchange a few swear words as he hops out. "FUCK YOU, YOU STUBBORN LITTLE ASSHOLE!" I yell out my window, praying that no Harvard interviewers were around. He closes and locks the door of his car, and approaches my car. I wind down the window and he leans his arm on my door. "Thanks love" He says before winking and walking off. I sit there in shock before being honked at and forced to move. I pull into another spare space, half a block further than the other one. I just sit in my car as rain drops start to fall.Damn, and I forgot an umbrella. I think about that boy that took my car space. He is a complete dick, but a very good-looking dick. As I think about his perfect hair and perfect face, I click back into reality, "Come on Leah, you don't need a man, you need a future, and this is why you are here. Snap out of it and get your ass over to that Uni and show them what you have got!" I say to myself. I hop out of the car and immediately get soaked in water. No coat, no umbrella, why did I not think about the possibility of rain?


I reach the entrance of my possible future. If I get accepted, I am pretty much guaranteed any career. I step inside and shuffle to the bathroom, hoping to fix my now appalling look. I step in front of the mirror and let out a sigh. What did I say, I knew this day wasn't going to go well, and this was just the icing on the cake. I get my hairbrush out of my purse and start to make my wet mane look half-presentable. I tie it in a large, messy bun on the top of my head and grab my makeup bag. I reapply my foundation and top-up my, luckily, waterproof mascara. After deciding I look a bit better, I ring out my skirt and cardi and shove everything back into my bag. Things can only go up from here, right?

Harries [A Finn Harries Fan Fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora