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Authors Note:

Yay another update! I haven't had a very good day today, so wrote another chapter to get my mind off things. Adding another character today too... meet Cameron! I'll give you a little sneak peek at his character profile, so you know exactly who he is! Cameron is Leah's ex- boyfriend. He currently lives in Paris, playing for the top football team. He and Leah have had a very rocky relationship. They met during High School, and thought it was truly "love at first sight." When Cameron got the opportunity to play for France, he had the hard decision of Leah or rugby. He chose rugby, which obviously left Leah distraught and caused a crack in their relationship. They decided to break up, but didn't realize quite how much they would miss each other. Is Cameron worth it? Or will Finn get in between the two? I guess we will have to wait and see! Hope you enjoy this chapter :) x


Cameron's P.O.V:

I am sitting in the club room, about to debut for my very first professional football match. I can't believe it is actually here. Both dad and I have been dreaming of this moment since I was in diapers. Playing for France, the best team out, really is a blessing. Coach pulls us all into a huddle. "Team, we are doing this for our country. For our friends, family, everyone we love." This is possibly the worst thing for him to say. I look down at my hand, reading my tattoo "Leah." The one person I love and she isn't with me. I feel a lump form in my throat and my eyes start to well up. This can't be happening. I miss Leah. I love Leah. I need Leah! I stand up and interrupt the discussion. "Coach, I have something to confess. I can't do this" I say, taking off my number 8 jersey and running out of the team room. I hear words being yelled back, possibly too rude to repeat "This was your one chance Dallas, don't you dare come running back."

I run up the stairs to my apartment, wondering what I just did. My phone is going crazy, continuously getting calls from my dad, coach and team mates. I hold down the power button and it goes silent. I really don't have the energy to deal with this right now. I twist the keys and open the door. I drop my bag on the ground, undo my shoe laces and head straight to the massive couch, diving on it and closing my eyes. I so hope I made the right decision. If not, my life really is over.

Leah's P.O.V:

I pull into the car park of my apartment block, lock my car and head back up the elevator. My mood has dropped 20 levels from this morning, and I really just want to go into hibernation. I lock my apartment door and go straight to the fridge. Comfort food really is all I need right now. To my disappointment, the fridge is virtually empty. A carrot, a block of butter and 2 sprigs of kale is all I have left, and I start to cry on the inside. I decide to grab a microwaveable mac and cheese from the freezer. Better than nothing I guess. I set the microwave for 4 minutes and get changed into pajamas, which really is just a massively over sized t-shirt. No one to impress here except myself. I grab my oh-so-nutritious meal and wrap myself in a duvet on the couch. Deciding I am in the mood for a cry, I turn on Titanic and settle in. Why need a man when I can have mac and cheese and Netflix?

Cameron's P.O.V:

I wake up and check my phone. The time reads 03.45 am. I scroll through my messages and think about replying. They are all the same, "What do you think you are doing?" "You are such a disappointment" "Never, ever think about coming back, your career is over." I can't believe I really thought I would get off easy and everyone would be understanding. Oh, how I was so wrong. I scroll through my contacts until I get to Leah's name. I dial it and hit enter. "Sorry, the number you have called has been deactivated, call 888 for more information and to ask any questions" Dammit, she must have changed her number. I scroll to her mums name and do the same, hoping Leah will be home. "Hi Cam, how are you doing?" She says immediately, making me glad she still will talk to me after breaking her daughter's heart. "Hello Mrs Gilinsky, I hope everything is well! Just wondering if Leah is home? I need to talk to her urgently." I cross my fingers and wait for a reply. "Sorry Cameron, Leah actually moved about a year ago. She has actually been shown interest in by Harvard. I'm not meant to give her number to you, but if you want to find her, she lives in an apartment block in Boston. Have a good day Cam, hope you are doing well" She says before hanging up. I'm left speechless. Maybe I should go? I mean, I need Leah, Leah needs me. I grab my suitcase, throw a toothbrush, underpants and a change of clothes before zipping it up and leaving the apartment. I zoom out of the car park and head for the airport. Next stop, to steal Leah's heart once again.

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