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Juvia walked into the guild like any other day but abruptly stopped in the middle when she saw her beloved shirtless Gray standing in front of the stage holding flowers between him and Lucy. Her eyes started to tear, she didn't know what to do, she stomped her foot and ran out as fast as she could. Gray looked up when he heard the noise and saw a glimpse of Juvia running back out the guild hall doors into the drizzly, dark evening. He made eye contact with Lucy, she nodded, and he ran after his beloved Juvia.

Gray ran after her as fast as he could and almost didn't catch her. He grabbed her arm and turned her around, as he did so she threw him back with her water cane but not before he saw the tears pouring down her face. She kept running. Gray got up within seconds and froze her in her tracks; he ran in front of her and calmly said panting, "let me explain." She figured she had no choice and anyway this was Gray-sama, how could she say no.

"Alright, you have my attention." she said coldly.

"Juvia, these are for you..." Gray handed her the waterlogged flowers that she drenched a few moments before.

" this true?"

"Yes, they were for you" he said as he wiped some of her tears away.

"Well then why were you with that tramp Lucy before!" she demanded as shoving his hand away and tossing the flowers to the ground beside her iced feet.

"I was talking to her because I wanted to know what she thought was the best way to ask you out, but I guess there's no time like the present. Juvia Lockser, will you go out with me?"

"Oh Gray-sama, I love you...but I can't..."

There was a slight pause but Gray quickly responded, "WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! YOU WERE COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH ME BUT YOU SAID NO?!? WELL JUV-"

"Oh Gray..." Juvia said as she pressed her lips against his for a few seconds that they both never wanted to end, "of course I will go out with you."

"Oh my god, don't scare me like that..."

"I'll try not to, but Gray?"


Juvia lunged forward at him in a hug and tackled him to the ground while breaking the ice that was still at her feet, she wrapped her arms around his shirtless chest, "Love you."

"Love you too."

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