Mission Part 1

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Juvia's POV

Gray-sama has been gone a long time on a big mission and the sun is about to set soon. I hope he makes it back okay this was a solo mission. Oh I'm sure he'll be fine this is Gray-sama we're talking about. I jumped out of my thoughts when I heard the guilds doors burst open.

"Get Wendy!" Someone yelled. Why would they need Wendy?

I then saw the stretcher that was being carried by two men with a lifeless body on it. It had spiky black hair and a sword shaped necklace hanging off to the side.

"GRAY-SAMA!" I yelled for the whole guild to hear.

I rushed to the front of the crowd to get a better look. A few familiar faces tried holding me back but it was no use. I got where I wanted and regretted it instantly. I looked over my beloved Gray to see blood, scratches and what appeared to maybe be a cracked skull. I dropped to my knees and didn't know what to do, the master soon order them to take him to the infirmary, I got up and tried to run after him but this time was easily held back.

"Juvia," said master Makarov, "I forbid you to go back there at this time, I will let you know when you are allowed to see him."

"NO!" I shouted in protest still attempting to run, but was soon carried away by Erza and Natsu with Lucy and Levy following close behind. They dragged me all the way back to my apartment and sat me down in a chair.

After a few minutes of sitting I broke the silence. "You guys can leave if you want." I explained.

"No, I'm gonna stay right here the whole time with you Juv." Levy said trying to sound cheerful.

"Thanks, well I'm gonna go get into my pajamas."

"Okay we'll be here." Erza replied.

I trudged up the stairs and just sat on my bed when I got there. I soon heard Erza again ask "How does he look?" Natsu replied, "Not good, let's just hope Wendy can help at least a little." That was it. I started crying. And of course me and Gray-sama aren't a thing or anything, but I still just care for him so deeply. I just sat there crying not knowing what to do. I must have taken longer than I thought because Lucy soon knocked on my still open door.


"What do you want love-rival?"

"I just came to check on you to make sure your okay."

"Well thanks but I'm fine."

"Are you sure about that?" a different voice said, Erza. "Hey don't worry it takes a lot to take him down."

"You got that right." Natsu. "That popsicle never gives up."

"He even completed his mission and made it far enough to get help. He will be just fine." Levy said reassuringly.

"Thanks everyone."

"No problem, group hug!" exclaimed Lucy.

"Well it's getting late and I think we are all going to need the sleep...we will be down stairs." Erza announced.

"Are you sure? You guys can go home." I explained again.

"Not at all. Anyway after what happened tonight we probably all want friends with us." Levy said.

"Thanks again guys." I said gloomily.

"No problem see you in the morning. Get some sleep" Lucy told me.

After everyone left my room and the house was quite I knew what I was going to do.

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