Mission (Conclusion)

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Juvia's POV

I woke up at 4 A.M., perfect. No one would be at the guild hall and Wendy would also be done with her magic. I got dressed and slid down the stairs peeking around the corner seeing everyone asleep.  Still perfect. I used water body to slide under the door without needing to open it. So far so good. It was still pretty dark out though so I had to watch where I was going, but I was able to make it to the guild hall without anyone noticing me. I again used my water body to get inside. It was still completely dark in here except for one light. The infirmary. I made my way over and peeked around the corner.

I saw a bandaged wrapped head and started to walk forward into the room. I then could see more of him, still the minor scratches were all over him, but more bandages were now on him as well, one completely covering his left arm and one on his right hand, other than that he was under the covers. I slowly kept walking towards him just being happy to see him again. This may be the last time. I sat on the edge of the bed just looking at his little bit of hair still sticking out the one side of the bandages. Drip drip drop. One after another my tears fell onto Gray's shirtless chest. I leaned forward resting my head on it and just crying not being able to stop. My beloved Gray...I will never forget you...and I will always love you.

I have just been sitting here for a little while on Gray's still slightly moving chest just wanting all this to be over. Why did I have to hear Natsu, "Not good." Those words may haunt me for the rest of my life. "Not good." 

"Oh Gray, my beloved, why must you go?" I said feeling his chest moving less and less by the minute.

I sat there having no more tears left to shed, then one slowly rolled down my face and hit his emblem perfectly. I got up and turned to leave because I knew the inevitable. I was almost out of the room.

"J- Juvia"

I turned around slowly not knowing what to think of this. I saw his chest moving at a steadier rate and I smiled a little.

"JUVIA!" he screamed almost sounding like it caused him pain to yell.

"Gray-sama! What is it." I rushed to his side and sat at the edge of the bed again.

"I thought I wasn't gonna get to tell you, but I'm feeling better now." He sat up with only a little bit of my help. Wendy's magic must be working, but did it really help this much? It must have. She's getting stronger.

"Gray-sama, what is it?"

"Love you"

There was a slight pause as we just sat there staring into each others eyes, "I love you too."
I then pulled him into a big hug and we sat there for a while just like that.

Never wanting to let go again.

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