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Gray's POV

Crap oh god how many days has it been? Five? Yeah I'm pretty sure it's five. That's two days over schedule, I better hurry or else people are going to start worrying, but this also has to be perfect.

I took a solo job to defeat a few weird creatures; the paper said it was probably a 3 day job. Wrong. It took me a day at the most; one of the easiest jobs I've had in a while with a decent pay as well. Since I finished so early I was even paid a bit extra and trust me I'm not complaining there. Anyways since I was done so early I figured I could finally give Juvia a present she deserves. We aren't a thing yet or anything but I definitely do love her...and I think the whole guild is starting to pick up on that. Since everyone probably already knows I figured I'd bring back a present and make it official, however, it's taking longer than I hoped.

Juvia's POV

"Oh Gray-sama has been gone quite a while, do you think he is okay?" I asked the whole table

"I'm sure he's okay" Lucy said.

"I don't think we have anything to worry about." Levy replied

"Yeah I think he'll be fine Juv" Gajeel replied

"That ice cube? You've got nothin' to worry about with him" Natsu said

"They're all right Juvia. Gray will be just fine and I'm sure he'll be returning shortly." said Erza.

Gray's POV

Okay I bought the necklace as planned but I still need to think of a pattern or design that is just perfect.

It took me one full day to find the perfect necklace and then another full day to reach some snowy mountains where I could be most comfortable at making a design. That's 3 days gone and I haven't come up with a design I've been thinking and practicing on the snow and some rocks I've found but nothing seems be perfect. It's now been five days and I think I almost have what I want, but it may take another day. No matter, it will be just what I want.

I keep working and thinking, making swirls and curves and crosses and flowers and turns trying to find the right combination to put on the necklace itself. The necklace is just a thick silver chain with a flower, a heart, and a water droplet. I need to make a perfect design to fit that.

After about another hour or two...I have it. I have the design. I look it over twice more making sure it's perfect before I put it on the necklace. Once I do I have to head home. I got it.

Juvia's POV

My beloved Gray it's been five or six days, I don't know, I lost track, I just hope he's all right. I head over to the guild to try and clear my mind. It's Gray-sama. He'll be okay.

"Hey Juvia!" I hear as soon as I walk in. It was Levy.

"Hi Lev-san!"

"JUVIA! Guess what?!" Natsu yelled across the row of tables

"What is it Gray-sama? Is he back?" I said concernedly

"Huh? Oh. No. I just wanted to say hi that's all. hehe. Well hey don't worry about it. Maybe he's bringing back a present for you. It's pretty obvious he loves you." Natsu replied.

"Is- is that true?" I said confused, "does gray love Juvia back?" I looked around the guild to see everybody's heads nodding yes. If it was really that obvious, how did I not know?

Suddenly, the guild doors flew open.

Gray's POV

I got it. The pattern was complete and will last forever, time to head home.

Once I got off the train I ran to the entrance of the guild and kicked the doors open out of excitement. I need to find Juvia.

I scanned the room for her, but I should have known better. She was already running towards me.

"Gray-sama!" she yelled in that adorable voice of hers, "Juvia missed you!"

She ran into me with a hug and I hugged her back, the only one who seemed even slightly surprised was Juvia.

"Juvia was so worried! Why were you gone so long!"she said concernedly.

I pulled a small bag out of my pocket and slipped it in her hands. She looked at me almost as if asking if she could open now.

"Go ahead. I want the whole guild to see." I replied

She slowly untied the felt bag and pulled out the necklace. It had ice swirls going across the whole chain and as you followed that down you came to a flower, it had a simple yet beautiful scroll pattern on it. Next came the heart, on it was a bunch of tiny polka dots. After the heart, came the small snowflake made entirely of ice. It wasn't their before, I added it. Finally is the rain drop, on one side was a small treu teru bozu doll that she used to make when she was little and on the other half was a sun. She then looked up at me and gave me hug. When she pulled away I leaned in again. And kissed her. The whole guild gasped and I heard a few different squeals, specifically a loud one in Mira's direction. When we pulled back Juvia handed me the necklace and turned around for me to put it on her. When she turned back it looked beautiful on her. It...was perfect.

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