Chapter 6

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Mollie's P.O.V

Ok we have been back at the hotel for nearly an hour and she still isn't back. This is really starting to worry me. What if she gets attacked again by some hobo on the street. Or  even worse her ex and his mates. No one knows that he got released early for being good and his dad bailed him out as well. I was too afraid to bring myself to tell Philippa. She is still struggling from that nights events, she thinks I don't know that she lies at night either thinking what happened or when she cries when she does for a bath or shower. I worry about her so much with what happened in the past with her dad and step mum cutting is the only thing she would do to make herself feel better, but I don't think it helps.

"Girls she is really starting to worry me now, what if she is getting attacked again?" I ask looking at the girls whilst they are sat on my bed.

"Mollie you need to calm down she is probably on her way back here now, I know she said earlier she was struggling to get signal in London on her network and I think her phone has most likely ran out of charge because I know she said it runs out quickly. So give her and hour and if she isn't back we will go find her, ok Mollie." Dana replies pulling me to sit on the bed with her and Hannah and then they pull me into a group hug. 

"Yeah true, I'm hungry!" I randomly shout causing Dana and Hannah to start laughing at me.

"Go get something to eat then." Hannah replied smiling and trying so hard to not laugh again at me.

"I will do you girls want anything?" I ask walking to the table to get my bag.

"Where you going?" Hannah asks.

"McDonald's?" I reply but making it sound like more of a question for them.

"YEAH!!" Dana screamed with excitement, like she hasn't had McDonald's in like a month.

"Dana do you want your usual, a Large Quarter Pounder with Cheese with a Diet Coke meal?" I ask knowing Dana's McDonald's meal off by heart.

"YES PLEASE!" Dana shouted at the top of her lungs and then giving me the puppy dog eyes, weird girl.

"Hannah what would you like?" I ask laughing at Dana's outburst.

"Large Big Mac Meal with a strawberry milkshake please." Hannah replies with a smile.

"Ok then, I have my phone so call me if Philippa gets back before I do. Should I get her something as well just in case?" I ask not knowing whether I should or not.

"Yeah, if she gets home a bit after you do we can just warm it up, it will still taste the same." Hannah replies.

"Okie dokie, won't be long girls." I say and then walk out of the hotel room and then out of the hotel.

 I was walking down the street when I decided to put my iPod  in whilst I walk down to the other end of Oxford Street to McDonald's. Whilst I am walking down the top of Oxford Street I notice a group of girls screaming and running ahead of me towards someone. But I just shrugged off the thought and started thinking of what I was going to have for lunch. I carried on walking after crossing the road and I noticed two people that looked so familiar walking towards the way I was coming from, but ignored the thought as I was probably seeing things because of Philippa has gone somewhere. But the boy looked overly to familiar. I looked at him again and then reality hit me its HARRY EDWARD STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION!! But knowing he was with some whore I didn't want to disturb him so I carried on walking down the street and there it was fat mans heaven MCDONALD'S!!

I started to walk in, then towards the tills I placed my order which did make me look like a pig with us all wanting large meals oh well. I gave the cashier the money and then started to walk back to the hotel.

Philippa's P.O.V

Harry and I were still walking up Oxford Street and there was about five girls speed walking well more like running at us, well Harry. When they finally got to us all they wanted was pictures with Harry or something of their signing. I really shouldn't mean about it when I was one of them. I am a directioner and have been for a while seeing him today and talking to him he is so much more than what people make him out to be. Whilst he is taking pictures with the girls I look across the road and see who I think looks like Mollie walking on her own on the other side of the street. I was about to shout her but I noticed she had her headphones in and she is death when she has them buggers in. Just then I felt Harry's arm link with my once again and we continue to walk back to the hotel. 

We finally reach the hotel and luckily there is no screaming fans, so we walk over to the where the lift is and press the button. 

"You know, you don'y have to take me all the way up to my room." I say whilst walking into the lift.

"I don't have to but I want to." Harry replies stepping closer to me. With only centimetres apart from each other. Why am I stood here this shouldn't be me it should be someone better than me it should be someone like Mollie or Beth not me. I was soon brought out of my thoughts when Harry put a single strand of my hair behind my hair then pulling me into his embrace. Why is this happening he doesn't know me and I don't even feel special enough for him. And with that there was a ping and the lift doors started to open. We stepped out of the lift with Harry's arm still wrapped around my waist.

We did the small walk down the corridor from the lift to my hotel room. I opened to the door, to find Dana and Hannah upside down on the sofa taking selfies. 

"Hey girls did you miss me?" I asked, their attention turning to me. They both fall of the sofa and scramble to their feet, and gave me a massive hug.

"Where the hell did you go?" Dana asked finally letting go of me.

"I need the loo and then I lost you lot and you know my phone is like shit so yeah, but look I'm back in one piece." I say smiling putting my bags on the table.

"Yeah and with someone else." Hannah said motioning towards Harry who was stood next to me.

"Yeah I bumped into Harry when I was walking back here." I say smiling a freaking idiot.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Harry and you are?" Harry asked smiling and then giving Dana and Hannah a hug each.

"Hi I'm Dana, I'm a massive fan." Dana replied smiling so much.

"Hey, I'm Hannah, I'm just a fan, but your music is good." Hannah replied and with that there was the sound of key card in the door, the door opening and then closing, then the great smell of McDonald's and the sight of Mollie carrying it all.

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