Chapter 20

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Philippa's P.O.V

This is all so much right now, I can never be happy he always seems to find away back in and I really can't be letting anyone else get hurt. Mollie could of been hurt and what if he comes after me when I'm back at work. Thinking of work I've let the children down, I've let my personal life get in the way of my job. God I feel so bad and so stupid.

*Knock knock*

"Babe you nearly ready to get out, Paul will be here soon?" Harry asked softly from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I am come help me please." Without hesitation he has opened the door and walked in holding a towel.

"Right this may hurt a little." I just nod I had no energy to do say anything anymore.

Leaning over Harry got his arms under mine and started to lift me up. I couldn't even pretend that it didn't hurt that my wrist didn't hurt, that my ribs didn't hurt, hell my whole body does.

"I'm sorry." Harry looked at me, finally standing up, wrapping the towel around me, he lifted me bridal style, carrying me into the bedroom, I'm laid on our bed.

"It's ok, help me get dressed please my ribs hurt," Harry walked over to the drawers to find my pjs. Walking back I notice he is holding my 'I <3 1D' top.

"Hell no get me a decent top." He just shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to me.

"But you look cute in your little One Direction tshirt. It's like your my own little fangirl." He is just impossible.

"I look like a ten year old Harry." He just looked at me and then left. The bum hole.

Slowly moving up off the bed I start to walk to the kitchen where Harry and Paul are sat. Stopping just before the door, Harry is talking to Paul. I can't make him worry anymore, he can't go on tour and worry about me like he will. I know I shouldn't keep running but I can't let him put everything on hold for me. We haven't been together a year and I feel like I'm dragging him down. I've got to clear my head. Grabbing my beanie I slip it on over my hair, slip on my black vans and grab my coat. Walking to the front door I notice my iPod, picking it up and my keys I carefully slip out of the flat without Harry or Paul hearing.

Zipping up my coat I wait for the lift to arrive. Soon the ping for the lift door opening sounds, stepping in I press the button for the ground floor. Stepping out of the lift I exited the building and started walking down the path. Putting my headphones in I start to aimlessly walk around London.
I don't even know what I should do. I've just landed my dream job teaching children, I have Harry who is amazing. Even though we haven't been together a year, I just don't want him to get hurt, god I hate this life so much.

Harry's P.O.V

"I just don't know what to do Paul, I can't leave her behind but I don't think she wants to leave a job she has just got that she loves."

"Right what i think we should do is ask Philippa what she wants to do. She may want to come on tour with us for a bit and then come home. We can easily have security here for her. Harry we can do what ever it takes to make sure that she is safe if she doesn't come on tour."

"Right ok, I'll go see what she is doing and I'll get her to come down and see what she wants to say." Walking up the stairs I see the light to our room is turned off. She couldn't of possibly gone to sleep I only just left her. Opening the door I flick the light switch and see our room is empty. Rushing to the bathroom that is empty too. Where the fuck has she gone, grabbing my phone I try to ring her but I see her phone light up on the side table. Fuck! She's gone. Oh my god, how did I not know that she left the flat.

Running back down the stairs Paul looks up from his phone confused.

"Harry what's the matter?"

"She's gone. I can't find her anywhere."

"Right let me call the team as we will go look for her. But Harry you need to calm down."

Running back to our room I grab my brown boots and coat. Heading down stairs Paul is stood at the door waiting.

"Right where could she go? Can you think of anywhere, she might go."

"She sometimes takes her iPod and goes for a walk to clear her head."

Philippa's P.O.V

This walk is helping so much. I think I know what I want to do. I need to go home. I need to go back to Grimsby and rest.

Harry's P.O.V

I need to find her and like now, it'a getting too cold for her to be out here on her own. Tom is still out there somewhere.

"Harry where would she go for a walk?"

"I don't know Paul, she always goes on her own." God why didn't I hear her leave the flat. I'm so stupid. I start to pace back and forth waiting for the lift to arrive.

"Harry you need to calm down, being like this is not going to help you find Philppa."

"What am I supposed to do my girlfriend has gone missing, and her psycho ex is still out there somewhere and if he finds her he will hurt her, I know he will. He has made the threats very clear." I stop pacing and step into the lift along with Paul, he just stares at me.

"What threats Harry?"

"I got a unknown number ring me couple of weeks ago, I didn't think anything of it, I just thought it was some deluded fan trying to act creepy. But then I got a text and then they kept coming and I didn't know what to do so I left it and then when Philippa was attacked in Manchester I got a shit load more saying how next time he will not hesitate to kill her."

"Harry should you of told me."

"I know I should of but I was scared Philippa would do something if she found out, and now she is out there somewhere." I start to pace again in the lift. Hearing the ping I take a step out of the lift to see Philippa walking back into the building.

Philippa's P.O.V

Walking back to the complex, I know what I need to do. I'm going to stay here and rest. maybe go see my family for a bit and then get back to work. Stepping into the building I look up to see Harry and Paul walking out of the lift.

As soon as Harry sees me, his whole face lights up, and soon I'm embraced into a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"I went for a walk, I needed to clear my head, I'm sorry if I scared you." Looking up to see Harry had tears forming.

"Please don't ever do that again, I was scared shitless."

"Right I think it's best we get you out of here and into the flat." Paul spoke walking up to us.

"Yeah lets go. We need to talk about something." What does Harry need to tell me?

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