Chapter 15

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Philippa's P.O.V

This afternoon whilst I was out getting a few things for me to take back to London I was on twitter just scrolling through my time line and then I started to go through my mentions, it was then when I noticed that I had more followers but I had people sending stuff to me with pictures of me and Harry when we were in Cheshire and of me when I was in London after my job interview saying that I should kill myself and that I am a crazy bitch and that I need to stay away from Harry or else they are going to come and kill me.

I didn't want to say anything to Harry as he has enough to worry about with me. But It has been playing on my mind all this time and I need to ask him about us.

"Harry." I speak up.

"Yeah babe?" Harry replied sitting up from his previous position.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"What is it babe?" Harry replied sitting up a bit more.

"What is going to happen with us?" I asked may as well get straight to the point. Even if it will hurt.

"What do you mean?" Harry pulled me into his warm embrace this always seems to make me melt inside when he hugs me.

"Like what will people think about me?" I asked looking up at Harry. His eyes looked full of worry and concern probably due to the question I just asked him.

"Why are you asking me this Philippa?" He looked down at me again and I just cant seeing his this worried he shouldn't worry about me I am a nobody.

"I just was wondering." I reply I am so stupid for getting into this situation. God I am an idiot.

"No what has happened?" God he is a determined one.

"Nothing." I just want this to end now.

"Philippa there obviously is, have they found out who you are?" Jesus he has worked it out shitting hell.

"They might have." I reply may as well tell him something.

"That means yes then?" He asked and all I could do was nod like a three year old.

"What have they said?" No no no didn't want him to ask that.

"Only that I should leave you alone." I reply well its sort of true.

"No they have said more haven't they?" He asked looking directly into my eyes.

"Yes they have." I finally cracked the tears started to pour down my face.

"What have they said?" He asked looking seriously worried.

I couldn't manage to say anything I just gave him my phone. He did exactly what I thought he would do which was go on my twitter and then my mentions and see exactly what they were saying.

"Babe you need to ignore them, they are just jealous that I am with you and that they cant be with me because that is all they have wanted to do in their lives. They have nothing better to do. Its just some pathetic little comments and they aren't true anyway, your not fat, ugly and your not a slag I know that for sure. So chin up and think on the positive side of things you have a job in London what you have dreamed of having you have a loving family and you have me and I wouldn't change you for the world." Harry whispered in my ear pulling me closer to him on my bed.

"Thanks but I just feel like they are going to hate me even more when they do find out we are together." I really don't need this. Oh joy the tears are still pouring down my face.

"Well if they do that's their problem not yours I am happy with you and nothing and no one will stop that." Harry said pulling my chin gently upwards so I was now facing him.

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