Chapter 1

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"Mom can you drive me to school? I don't want to be the new girl on the bus." I ask my mom who's eating blueberry yogurt contentedly.

"Sure thing sweety. Be ready in 5 minutes." Mom orders. I rush down the hall in search of the living room. Instead I find myself in the garage. Man, I really have got to figure out this new house. After a few more tries, I find the living room where my bright pink backpack sits. Quickly, I grab it and try to retrace my steps to find the front door.

"Oy! Jinx! Time to go!" Mom yells. We step out of the front door into the hot sun. I feel like I'm tanning already.

"Did you just say 'oy'?" I ask.

"Yah, I'm trying to sound more Australian." She admits.

After a short drive, we pull up into my new schools parking lot. I'm not even going to pretend I know what this place is called.

"Do you want me to walk you to the office?" Mom questions. I shake my head and open the car door.

"No, I'll be fine."

"Okay. Good luck Jinx! I'll be right here after school to pick you up. Bye sweety!" She gushes. I say my goodbye then slam the car door shut (gently, don't worry). I slip on my sunglasses and start walking into the school.

People give me odd looks as I walk down the hallways. Maybe it's because of my sunglasses and teenage mutant ninja turtle tanktop? Or possibly because I'm wearing skinny jeans on such a hot day? It could also very likely be because I'm wearing like six inch pumps. Maybe they're just turned off by my pink backpack and wild curly hair that's probably a mess right now. Either way, I don't really care. Once they see my flawless mascara, they'll stare even more.

I take off my sunglass as I walk into the office. The lady behind the front desk doesn't even bother to look up as she puts three papers on top of the desk towards me.

"Miss Swift, welcome to our school. Here's your schedule, map, and a paper that will need to be signed by all of your teachers, but if you don't get it signed, no ones really going to care. Have a great first day." The lady says with a bored tone. I take the papers off of the desk awkwardly. Should I say anything back? What do I do?

"Uh, okay. Have a nice-" I start to say, but the loud school bell interrupts me. I take this as my chance to scurry out of the room. That was probably one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever done in my life....

After finding my locker and only putting my sunglasses in there, I scan my schedule for my first class. History.

"You must be the new student! Come in, come in! Welcome to our beautiful learning environment!" The teacher practically yells. He has a huge white lab coat places around his skinny figure. He wears a bright green bow tie that makes his grey hair pop. Why is this guy wearing a lab coat? I thought this was history class?

Gently shutting the door behind me I take a step closer. He grabs my free hand and shakes it wildly.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm Mr. Green, you're new history teacher! You must me Jinx Swift!" Mr. Green greets. I nod my head. "Would uou like to tell a bit about yourself to the class?"

"Uh, no." I say which makes the students laugh.

"Shy one. That's okay! We'll get you singing in no time!" I only now start to notice Mr. Green's Australian accent. "Why don't you go have a seat with our dear friend Lyric Ha over there?"

The girl he points to has long black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Unlike the rest of the school, she's wearing a big black sweatshirt and skinny jeans with holes in the knees. Woah, isn't she like burning up in that? I sit in the seat next to her and plop my bag on the floor. Lyric sends me a wide smile and wave. I return the favor with a big smile as well.

"Today I was going to teach you a boring lesson on something that happened in the past, but I decided that talking about the past won't solve the future! You guys are going to change the future! So today I just want you to do whatever you want! We need to give you a break now so that you can change the world later on!" Mr. Green shouts happily to the class. And with that, everyone starts chatting away with their friends. I think I just met my new favorite teacher.

"Hey, I'm Lyric." Lyric says from beside me. I turn to face her.

"I'm Jinx. So is the teacher always like this?" I ask. Lyric nods.

"All the time. I don't think I've learned any history in the two years he's been teaching us." Lyric and I laugh together. "So my friends and I kind of have this thing going on where we all have really unique names, and I was wondering if you'd like to join us?"

"Of course! I'd love to! So, what are your friends names?" I question raising an eyebrow.

"Basil and Yellow." Lyric says. My eyes widen a bit.

"Oh. Well, those are beautiful names." Lyric laughs a bit and I laugh too.

"So you're American. What's it like there?" She questions.

"America's...interesting to say that the least. I grew up in Maine which is not a very popular state, but I loved it there. It was hard to leave." I admit. Lyric gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Are you enjoying Australia so far?

"Yah, although I haven't been out a lot. A kangaroo came into our backyard which was pretty interesting." I say. Lyric and I laugh together.

"Yah, welcome to Australia mate."

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