Part 1

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(Sidney is played by G. Hannelius)

•Sidney's POV•

Today I was visiting my friend Riele on the set of her new show Henry Danger. I've seen a few episodes and it's really good. Especially Jace Norman. He's so funny and cute. I've always wanted to meet him. But maybe I will today since I'm going on the set. I sat in the passengers side of my moms car as she drove. I pushed some of my brown hair out my face and smiled I love LA. It's so pretty. We pulled up to the studio. Riele was already outside. I jumped out of the car and waved bye to my mom. I ran to Riele.

"RIELE!" I screamed hugging her
"SIDNEY! It's been so long" she said hugging me back
"I know, but I'm glad I'm here" I said
"I'm glad you're here to. Now c'mon, I want you to meet the rest of the cast" she said pulling my arm. We entered the building and she pulled me to another room. I saw 2 boys and a girl there.

"Guys!" Riele said. The people turned their attention towards her. "This is my friend Sidney. Sidney, these are my friends Sean, Ella and Jace" she said introducing me to them

"Hi guys" I said trying to contain myself. I was in the same room as Jace freakin Norman. They smiled at me. I sat down next to Riele. Then one more person came in. I'm sure that's Cooper Barnes. I introduced myself to him. Jace sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled back and started blushing.

"Are you a friend of Riele's?" Jace asked
"Yeah, I've known her for as long as I can remember" I explained smiling at Riele. She smiled back.
"Cool, how are you liking the Henry Danger set?" He asked
"I actually haven't seen it yet" I said
"Well I could show you around" he offered. I glanced at Riele and she nodded her head signaling for me to go with him.
"Sure, I'd like that" I said standing up. We both left the room. We walked to the man cave first.

"Wow this is so cool, I love this place" I said smiling
"You have a nice smile" Jace said
"Thank you" I said blushing. I can't believe that Jace Norman said that I have a nice smile.
"No problem, anyways I can show you my dressing room" he suggested
"Yeah ok". He led me to his dressing room. He had pictures of him and the cast on his door. I smiled when I saw a picture with him and Isabella Moner. They would be so cute together.

"Isabella Moner and you would make a cute couple" I exclaimed
"Naw, she's a good friend and I want to keep it that way" he explained
"Oh". He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, he looked really cute when he did that.

"Can I have your number?" He asked
"Yeah sure" I said giving him my number. He gave me his phone and I gave him mine. I took a selfie of me doing the duck face. I looked at Jace and he did a smirk face. I giggled. "Wanna hang out at the park after we're done filming today" he asked
"Defiantly, I just have to ask my mom" I said pulling out my phone

Me: hey mom, can I go to the park with my friend Jace?
Momma💜: sure honey, text me when you want to be picked up
Me: ok

I turned to Jace. "She said it was fine" I said smiling
"Awesome" he said. We walked back to the group and sat back down next to Riele. Jace smiled at me and I started blushing again! Dan the producer came in.

"Ok guys lets start rolling" he said clapping his hands.

*After Shooting*

Jace and I went to the park after shooting. We sat down on the bench.

"So how long have you been in LA?" He asked looking at me
"Since I was 5" I said
"Cool, how old are you?"
"I'm 14, but I'm turning 15 soon" I said
"I'm 14 to" he said. "So have you had any boyfriends" Jace asked. That's a question I though I would never hear.

"" I said embarrassed. "Don't laugh" I said cracking a smile.
"I'm not laughing, because I've never had a girlfriend" he said looking at me
"Well that's hard to believe, your hot" I said. The words just slipped out of my mouth. I bet I was as red as a tomato
"Why thank you" he said laughing
"I'm sorry, you probably think I'm weird now"
"No I don't, you're funny and cute" he said. Jace Norman just called me cute
"Thank you" I said blushing

I felt my phone vibrate.

Momma💜: hey sweetie ready to come home?
Me: I'll have Jace walk me home
Momma💜: ok

"Hey Jace, if you don't mind could you walk me home" I asked
"Anything for you Sidney" he said smiling.
"Thanks" I said. He walked me home and we arrived on my porch step.

"Thank you for walking me home" I said
"You're welcome, I had a fun time" he said. I gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me. We let go slowly. We looked into each other's eyes.
"I'll text you" Jace said as he kissed my cheek and walked off.

I went upstairs and smiled. Jace Norman kissed my cheek. I changed into to pajama pants and a shirt. I put my hair into a messy bun. I got inside my bed and looked at my phone. Jace texted me.

Sexy Bæ😏: Hey Sidney, it's Jace
Me: Hi Jace, what's up with your contact😂
Sexy Bæ😏: Because it's true and you know you like it😝
Me: whatever😂
Sexy Bæ😏: Wanna hang out tomorrow?
Me: Sure, what time?
Sexy Bæ😏: 11:00
Me: I can't wait
Sexy Bæ😏: Me neither and just to let you know, your contact name is Jidney💕
Me: what does Jidney💕 stand for?
Sexy Bæ😏: it's our ship name that I made up😊
Me: I like it, but I'm tired so I'll c u tomorrow😊
Sexy Bæ😏: Ok, night
Me: night

I shut off my phone and put it on the charger. This was the best day ever.

One In A Million (A Jace Norman FF)Where stories live. Discover now