Part 7

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•Sidney's POV•
The next morning I woke up with red eyes from crying. I looked into my mirror and saw that I was mess. My hair was a mess, my eyes were bloodshot red, and I looked really pale. But today I needed to explain to Jace what happened. I got out of bed and took a shower. I changed into black leggings with a grey sweater shirt and my black flip flops. I blow dried my hair and put it in a messy ponytail. I walked downstairs and saw Nick sitting on the couch. I ran out of the house and walked to Jace's. I knocked on the door and Glory answered.
"Hey Sid, he's up stairs" she said smiling. I walked upstairs and opened Jace's door. He was shirtless. I turned my head and cleared my throat.

"This is going to make this so much harder" I said to myself. I stepped in and shut the door behind me.
"Can I explain now?" I asked
"Of course" Jace said
"Well when you were texting your mom I came downstairs to get water and then Nick appeared and scared me. He wanted to be friends with me, but then I said no. So when I was walking towards the stairs Nick grabbed my arm and kissed me. I pushed him off but you saw the kiss and ran off" I explained to him. Jace looked at me with wide eyes.

"Sidney I'm sorry" he said
"I know you are and I'm sorry Nick kissed me, you're the only boy I would let kiss me" I said
"Sidney can we please not take a break, I love you with all my heart" Jace said
"I don't know" I said thinking. Jace just got mad. So basically it was both of our faults. I knew I loved Jace and I didn't want to take this break. But I have a lot of things to take care of. Like telling my mom to kick Nick out of the house, finding out the person who texted me, and I think I'm going to start singing again. I looked at Jace and started to lean in. But I pulled away.
"I think it's best if we take a break, only for a few days though" I explained
"I understand" he said. "But I love you Sidney, don't ever forget that" he said
"I won't forget that and I love you too" I said. I stood up and left his room. I walked down the stairs. I saw Glory and she gave me a confused look.

"I'll text you later" I explained. She nodded her head and I left the house. I ran back home and went up to my room. I slid down my bedroom door and cried into my hands. I need to get Nick out of this house. I ran to his room and saw that all of his stuff was gone.
"What's going on?" I said to myself. "MOM!" I yelled. She ran up the stairs and into Nick's room.
"What sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked
"What happens to all of Nick's stuff?"
"He moved in with his uncle, he said that he was causing trouble here. I don't know what trouble though. So he's gone now" she explained
"Oh" I smiled
"Yeah, so I have to go out tonight. I have a date. I'll be back at 10:00 ok" she said
"Ok" I said
"Love you honey" she said as she walked out the door
"Love you too" I replied. It was only 11:00 o' clock in the morning. She must have a long date. So I think Nick is the one who sent me the text. I went downstairs and made some hot coco. I sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix. I need to catch up on Young and Hungry.

•Jace's POV•
I can't believe that Sidney and I are broken up. It's not helping that Glory keeps bugging me about being a jerk. I know what I did, I understand I'm being a jerk. But what am I going to do, Sidney makes me happy. When I'm sad about something I just picture her smiling face and things get better.

It was going on 12:00 when I got a text from Maeve. I haven't talked to her in a while.

M: Maeve
J: Jace

M: Hey Jaceyface, wanna hang today???
J: Um...I don't know
M; please I haven't seen you in a while
J: ok, where do you want to meet
M: how about the ice cream place next to your house
J: ok, I'll see you in 5 minutes
M: ok

I had an uneasy feeling about hanging out with Maeve. Sidney and I just broke up and now I'm hanging out with another girl. I hope Sidney doesn't find out. I slipped on my grey hoodie and put my phone in my pocket while grabbing my wallet. I walked downstairs and Xander was on the phone and Glory was watching TV.

"Hey guys I'm going to the little ice cream place. I'll be back soon" I said. Xander nodded and Glory just gave me a smile. I grabbed my penny board and skated to the ice cream place. I saw Maeve sitting down at a table.

When I walked in her head shot up and she smiled at me. I gave her a half smile. I sat down across from her.

"So, how are you?" I asked
"Fine, how are you?" She asked
"Not so good" I said
"What happened" she asked
"This creepy guy Nick was staying at Sidney's house and he kissed her. I ran out of my house and she followed me and tried to explain but I told her to get out. Then today, she told me what happened and I asked if we could get back together but she said she just needs a break" I explained. Maeve sat there with a confused look on her face.
"Well Jace, if we were together. I would never do that" Maeve said placing her hand on mine. I pulled my hand away  and stood up.
"Sorry Maeve,but I gotta go" I said running out of the ice cream place. I grabbed my penny board and skated back to my house.

I went upstairs and sighed. I miss Sidney. It hasn't even been 2 hours and I can't stand being without her.

•Sidney's POV•
I texted Jace.

J: Jace
S: Sidney

S: Jace, Nick moved out and I found out that he was the one who sent me a text that caused me to have a panic attack😐
J: That's great news. Wait, you never told me that he sent you a text?
S: sorry I didn't want you to panic, plus this was before we started dating
J: oh, I still would've been there for you
S: thanks, that means a lot
J: yeah
S: anyways I have to go, just wanted to tell you that
J: Sid, can we hang out tomorrow. But like in a friendly way. I have to go to set from 7:00 to 11:30. But I'm free after that.
S: Ok, that's fine
J: great, see you tomorrow😊
S: see you tomorrow😊

My heart fluttered when we texted. I miss him a lot. I wish that Nick never came into my life and ruined one of the things that made my life complete. Jace was my other half. I feel as if I can't be with him. Then I'll start having more panic attacks.

The more and more I thought about that, the more I became scared of what would happen if I actually loosed him.

My head started throbbing. My limbs were getting weak, I was sweating, and my heart was racing. I stared breathing really fast. I collapsed on the ground and was gasping for air. Oh no, PANIC ATTACK!!!

I tried reaching for my phone but it was on my closet shelf and I was on the ground. I frantically started shaking, and then...everything went black.

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