Part 12 (KCA's)

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•Sidney's POV•
Today was the KCA's and I was so excited. Owen was going to pick me up at 4:30 and then we're going to head over to the KCA's. It was 10:00 right now so I decided to get in the shower. After the shower I changed into sweatpants and Jace's sweatshirt. I went downstairs and turned on Netflix. I started watching New Girl again considering I've finished all the seasons.

My phone lit up signaling I got a notification. I looked at it, it was a Twitter notification.

@Owen_Joyner19: Can't wait to go to the KCA's with a special girl!
@Sidney125: Can't wait either!

I put my phone down and made me some cereal. I sat back down on the couch and started eating. By the time I was finished it was going on 11:45.

I decided to take a nap.

Jace and I were at the after party and we went to a empty room to talk.

"Sidney, please forgive me and be with me again" he pleaded
"Jace I don't know" I said
"Sidney you don't know how much I beat myself up for losing you. You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I want us to give our innocence away to each other, I want to marry you, I want you to have my kids, and I to grow old with you evacuate I'm nothing with you. I'm nothing without Sidney Canes. I love you so much, please take me back?" He said. His eyes looked sincere, I walked closer to him and smiled.
"I forgive you, now love me like you do" I said. He shut the door to the room and pulled me over to the couch.

He laid me down on the couch and started kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started moaning.

"Jace, Jace, Jace"

*Dream Over*

I woke up with my heart beating fast. I looked around and saw Ella and Riele on the ground laughing . I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked
"We came to help you get ready b-b-but "Riele couldn't finish her sentence because she fell out laughing again.
"You were moaning Jace's name" Ella finished for her. I threw a pillow at both of them.
"Ok guys, I do love Jace but I'm not going to forgive him right now. Come help me get ready" I said. They nodded their heads and we went upstairs.

•3 hours later•

After Riele and Ella helped me get dressed the left because they had to go get ready for the KCA's. It was almost 4:00 so I got my purse and checked in the mirror. I was wearing (photo in media).

I looked great. I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it. Owen was there.

"Hi Owen" I said
"Hey Sidney, you look beautiful" he replied. I blushed and grabbed his hand.
"C'mon, let's go" I said. We walked to the car and got inside. We arrived at the KCA's and it was so cool. Very colorful.

Owen led me to where everyone was.
"Hey guys" I said waving
"Hi I'm Isabela and that's Jaheem" Isabel said
"We're from 100 things to do before high school" Jaheem added
"Cool, I love your show" I said
"Thanks" Isabela said before walking off with Jaheem. Owen wrapped his arm around me and we sat down on the couch. Ella, Riele, and Sean sat down next to us.
"You guys look great" I said hugging them
"Thanks" Sean said. Then Jace and Maeve walked through the door. Maeve was glaring at Jace and Jace just looked at me. I got up and walked over to him.

"Hey" I said
"Hi" he responded
"You look handsome" I said
"You look beautiful" he said. I blushed and smiled.
"I better get back to Owen" I said turning away
"Wait" he responded and grabbed my wrist. I turned and looked at him. He smiled and placed a small box in my hand. "Open it when you get home" He said smirking. I nodded my head and walked back over to Owen. I saw Maeve glare at me.

I ignored her and sat down next to Isabela and Jaheem.

*After the KCA's*

Owen dropped me off at home. He leaned into kiss me but I moved back.
"I'm sorry Owen, it's just-" he cut me off
"I understand, it's Jace. You two should be together" he said smiling
"Thanks for understanding" I said. He smiled and gave me a hug. I went upstairs and got in my shower. After my shower I put on blue pajama shorts and one of Jace's hoodies. I always sleep with one now.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed the box Jace gave to me. I just stared at it for a second. I finally opened the box.

There was a silver ring in it with a J on it. I picked it up and placed it on my finger. There was also a note attached to the box.

I know you portably won't forgive me right away, and I understand that. What I did was wrong and I shouldn't have lied to you and broke your heart and kissed another girl. I love you and you know that. This ring is a symbol of our love. The J stands for Jace. I have a ring with an S on it for Sidney. If you wear this ring and meet me at the park where I took you after your first day meeting me. At 8:00.Then I will know that you will give me a second chance. If you don't show up then I know I have to try harder. I love you Sidney. I hope you show.

I started tearing up, he really does care. I don't know if I'll go or not though.

•Jace's POV•
I'm really hoping Sidney will come. I set up a picnic and a movie projector on the side of the park wall. I was going to play our favorite movie, Grown Ups.

I can't let Sidney go, not that easily. Especially not Owen. I have nothing against him, it's just that I think Sidney belongs with me. I looked at my phone and saw it was going on 8:05. I'm starting to get worried, will she not come?

25 minutes part and she still hasn't shown up. I started packing up the picnic and movie projector. I sighed and started walking away form the park.

"Jace" I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Sidney walking up to me. She came face to face with me and held up her finger. "Symbol of our love" she smiled. She was wearing the ring. I picked her up and spun her around. She laughed and I set her down.
"I can't believe you came" I said
"I couldn't lose you over something like kissing a girl. It happened to me, remember Nick?" She asked
"Yeah" I sighed. She rested her head on my shoulder.
"Promise me we won't do anything to jeopardize our relationship?" She asked holding out her pinky.
"Promise" I said linking our pinkies and kissing them
"I love you Jace" she said
"I love you too Sidney" I replied. She looked into my eyes and leaned in. I wrapped my arms sound her waist and pulled her closer. I leaned in too and our lips connected again.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that" I said laughing. She smiled and leaned into me. We walked back to her house and cuddled the rest of the night.

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