Part 4

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•Sidney's POV•
The next morning I woke up to the feeling of someone playing with my hair.
"Good morning" Jace said
"Morning" I said as I got off of him. He groaned. "What?" I asked laughing
"I miss the warmth of your body" he smirked. I sighed.

"Ha, that's so funny" I said. My phone pinged and I got a text from Riele.

R: Riele
S: Sidney

R: r u with Jace, he isn't answering his phone and he has to be at the studio in an hour
S: yeah he's with me, I'll tell him.

I turned my phone of and looked back at my bed. Jace was staring at me.
"What are you staring at"
"You" he replied
"why?" I asked
"Because your beautiful" he said smiling. My cheeks were heating up. I turned so he wouldn't see.

"Oh shut up" I said as I grabbed jeans, a white off the shoulder sweater, and my grey vans. I went to the bathroom and changed. I left my hair down and clipped my bangs to the side. I left my bathroom and Jace was up and changed.
"Riele told me to tell you that you have to be at the studio in an hour" I explained "But now you have 30 minutes" I said
"Ok, thanks. Do you wanna come with me?" He asked
"I'm sorry, I wish I could. But I have to hang with my friend Tyler" I explained. I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes but he covered it up with a fake smile. "But we can hang out tonight" I said smiling
"No sorry, I hanging with Isabella Moner" he said. I nodded my head. I gave him a hug.
"I guess we'll see each other around" I said
"Yeah, bye" he said as he left my room and then the house. My heart kinda broke when he said that he was hanging with Isabella Moner. I do like Jace. But I guess he still likes Isabella. I decided to text Tyler.

T: Tyler
S: Sidney

S: Tyler!!!
T: What!!!
S: I'm having boy troubles
T: what do you mean?
S: I'll explain when we get to Starbucks
T: ok I'm walking there now
S: same, see you in a few
T: see you
Now, you guys probably think that Tyler is this guy that I might have interest in, but you're wrong because that would be weird. Considering we're cousins.
I grabbed my purse and put my phone, earphones, and lip balm in there. I left my house and locked the door. I walked to the Starbucks and saw Tyler sitting down at a table with a 2 caramel fraps. I sat down across from him.

"I'm glad we could meet" I said as I took a sip of the frap. "And thanks for buying me this" I said
"No problem, now tell me what's up" he asked arching an eyebrow

-Jace's POV-
Who is this Tyler person and why is he hanging with Sidney. I should be hanging with Sidney, not Tyler. I also made up that I was hanging out with Isabella. I just wanted to see if she would get jealous. I like Sidney, I really do.

I got the studio and spotted Riele and Ella talking.

"Riele, can I talk to you?" I asked
"Yeah sure, Ella can we have a sec" she asked Ella
"Yeah sure" she said as she walked off
"So what's up" Riele asked as we walked to her dressing room
"I have a problem" I explained
"You're just realizing this now?" She asked laughing. I gave her a playful glare.
"But seriously, it's Sidney" I explained
"Ok, go on" she said
"I like her, but I told her I was hanging out with Isabella because she said she was hanging out with this Tyler guy. I don't know what to do though. I think I messed it up with her" I explained
"I knew you liked Sidney, and Jace Tyler is her cousin" she explained
"Oh, well that makes more sense" I aid
"Yeah, and the funniest thing I'm laughing about is that you don't know that Sidney likes you too" she said smirking
"Really?" I asked
"Yep, now you better tell her" she said
"Ok, I will. But we gotta get shooting" I said
"Ok let's go" and with that we started shooting Dream Busters. (Funniest Episode!!!)

•Sidney's POV•
"And that's my problem, I don't know what to do" I complained to Tyler
"First of all, no complaining. Second of all just tell him how you feel. If he suddenly had to hang out with Isabella. Maybe it's because you mentioned me. I'm a guy, he probably got jealous" Tyler explained
"That makes sense, I probably should have told him that you were my cousin" I said biting my lip
"Yep, now go fix your relationship" Tyler said standing up. I stood up and hugged him.
"Thanks Ty, see you at thanksgiving" I said as I left the Starbucks and went home. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a text from Riele and Jace. I looked at Riele's first.

R: Riele
S: Sidney

R: SIDNEY!!! Jace likes you. He's gonna tell you tonight. Sorry if I ruined the surprise. I just had to tell you. Anyways see you tomorrow😊
S: Thanks for telling me, I have a text from him, I'll check it now👌
R: Kk, I'm so happy for you
S: Thanks girl

I opened up Jace's text
J: Jace
S: Sidney

J: Sidney, I don't actually have to hang out with Isabella today. It was lie, you were hanging out with this Tyler guy and I got jealous. Riele explained that he was your cousin. I like you Sidney and I was wondering if you could come meet me at McDonalds at 6:00pm so we could talk in person. Love, Jace❤️

My heart is fluttering right now. It's 5:30 right now. I decided to wear what I'm wearing right now. I grabbed my purse and phone and walked to the McDonalds. I saw Jace sitting at a booth with 2 Big Macs and fries with 2 sodas. I walked over to him and sat down at the other end.

"Jace you didn't have to do this, it's so romantic" I said blushing
"I know it's not fancy but-"
"Jace I love it" I said. We started eating. Sharing a few laughs and chats along the way. When we were finished he walked me to the lake. We sat down in the grass.

"Sidney" Jace said as he looked at me. I looked at him. "I really like you, your perfect in every way. I sorry I acted like such a jerk this morning. I just thought there was someone else" he said blushing
"I like you to Jace" I smiled. He held my hand leaned in. Our lips connected and molded perfectly together. It was like we were the only ones in world. Electricity shot through my body. We pulled away and smiled.
"Will you be my girlfriend" he asked
"Yes" I said. He pecked my lips again and we both stood up. We held hands and walked to my house together.

This has been the perfect night!

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