Chapter 21

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Our free week was up, and we were at my parents to drop off the babies. I wasn't crying yet. We had to get up pretty early this morning, so everyone but Slim was sleeping on the way there. We got to the house and my brother ran out. I ran over and gave him a hug.

"Hey! Oh my god, I can't believe you're leaving already!"

"I know! Am I allowed to breathe yet?" he laughed and let go from the tight hug he was giving me.

"Sorry. You want me to get one of them?"

"Uh," I turned around to see no one had woken up, "yeah, I'll let them sleep." Slim helped Josh take the babies and their stuff in the house. Once the boys started moving the stuff in the car around, Kenzie and Colson woke up.

"Shit, we're here already?" he said yawning.

"Yeah, lets go say bye to everyone." I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. Kenzie's parents were there to say bye to her. We held the babies one last time, and made our goodbyes with everyone as quick as possible. I looked out the front window and smiled, seeing the giant Lace Up tour bus parked outside, with Ash and Rookie standing outside. They waved and I waved back, laughing. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"You ready for this?" he whispered in my ear.

"I really think I am. This is gonna be great."

"Of course it is. Everyone's gonna be there. You, Kenzie, the whole fam. I'm so fucking excited for this tour to start already."

"Well, let's get going then." we said bye to everyone one last time and were finally on the road. 

We had been on the road for a month or so now, and it was great. I loved being on stage every night, and being around everyone I loved everyday and night, with some exceptions. Colson had actually calmed down. He was still the crazy ass wild boy, and partying all the time, but he had been doing a good job keeping his hands to himself. A lot of it had to do with the fact I had actually been going out every night they did. Not to watch him, I really was having fun. We had grown closer than before thanks to being around each other 24/7. He had been getting aggravated lately. I knew he was bipolar, so I didn't take it personally. We only argued once, over something really stupid.

I was feeling great at the beginning of the tour, but I had been feeling the effects of touring on my body. I wasn't eating like I was back home, which wasn't helping. We were in Miami this week, and we were staying at Kenzie's old house for a day or two.

"Shit, this place brings back memories." Kenzie laughed.

"Yeah, not all good either.." Slim said, shaking his head. I still wasn't all that comfortable talking about the huge fight that happened what seemed like forever ago. 

"You can say that again." I said, walking and laying down on the couch in the familiar living room. 

"So, I have plans for tonight. We're throwing a party. I invited a bunch of people, me and Rookie are gonna go get food and drinks for tonight. Any requests?" Dub asked.

"Get a lot of Monster." I heard Kenzie yell from the kitchen. "Oh, and bring some food back for all of us. That kitchen is empty." the boys left, leaving everyone just sitting awkwardly in the living room. I looked around noticing Colson wasn't in here. I got up and walked down the hall to what used to be my room. He was laying on my bed, his snapback convering his face. I walked over and sat down next to him, taking his hat and putting it on my head.

"Aw, c'mon. I was sleeping." he said sitting up.

"Well wake up. I'm bored. And no one wants to do anything."

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