Chapter 15

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“So, anything new?” Kenzie asked. It was almost Halloween, and this was the first time we talked since I left. She was coming up to come to our Halloween party. I hadn’t been feeling great this past month, but I had been blaming it on the weather. 

“Nothing that important. Oh, my singles still #1. I’m so happy with how well it’s doing.” I had released my single last month, on the 5th, like me and Jess had talked about. We planned on releasing the CD around the New Year. I haven’t told her about Colson’s relapse though, I’d rather tell her that when she gets here.

“Well, I have to go pack. I’ll see you guys in a couple of days.” I hung up and went to find Colson, in the studio, like usual lately. He had been doing a lot better. He looked more like his old self, just a little tired sometimes. That could be blamed on the time he’s been spending in the studio.

“Hey baby. I need to talk to you. It’s important.”

“You okay?” he immediately looked up.

“Yeah, I have something I should tell you though. It’s really personal, and I don’t like talking about it to just anyone. Come on.” I pulled him outside, so we could spend sometime with each other.

“Any reason you wanna walk and talk?” he smiled.

“Just to get some fresh air.” I smiled back. He grabbed my hand and started walking.

“So…what’s so important?”

“It’s about my family…” he nodded, letting me continue. “I had a younger sister, Colson. Allie.”

“Where is she?” he asked, watching me now. We had walked across the street to the park and sat on the picnic table.

“She’s…dead. She died earlier this year, in a car accident. It was the worst thing that could’ve happened to my family. And our school. She was my rock. She was like my best friend. I could tell her literally anything. She was such a nice person. Everyone that knew her loved her. I think about her everyday. I miss her so much.” I started crying, and he held me.

“She sounds like a great girl. I would’ve loved to have met her. How old was she?”

“16. It happened in February. It feels like yesterday though. I remember, we were sitting in the living room watching our favorite family movie, waiting for her to get back. Then we got the call. It just really sucks that she was so young. She loved cosmetology more than Kenzie. She planned on going to that same school.”

“Is it hard for you? Not being able to see and hear her voice everyday?”

“Yeah. Still. It always will be. Guess what?” I smiled.

“What?” he hugged me and smiled back.

“She absolutely loved you. She’s the reason I started listening to you when you started with the mixtapes. She would still be freaking to know I even know you. Who knows what she would’ve found out if she found out we’re dating.” I laughed.

“That’s just fucking amazing, Sky. It really is.” I could hear him smiled when he said that. I sat up and looked at him.

“You really helped me. Before we met. After she died, all I did was listen to you. I thought about going to join Allie, but you. You and your music changed my mind. Thank you, so much.”

“It was all my pleasure. I wouldn’t have you if I hadn’t helped you.” he smiled and kissed me.

“You ready to head back?”

“Hell yeah. The boys should be back anyways.” we walked back to the house to see the boys taking bags of food in the house.

“Why y’all go shopping?” Colson asked.

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