The Albar: chapter-7

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They arrived at the door to see Rita letting in Gabriel and Raphael. He felt Aria’s watching eyes behind him and wondered what her opinions were on the two arch-angels. Dressed in white shirt and grey slacks, Gabriel personified ‘angelic good looks’ while Raphael’s dark trousers gave him a hint of roguish charm.

Nahor tried to smile politely as he ushered them to the sitting room, but anger at the incompetent angels they had sent- nearly killing Aria, made him slip into a frown a couple of times.

The two boys who entered could not be much older than her, Ariana speculated;  did that mean that Nahor was some kind of philanthropist- sheltering ‘kids’ like herself?

She was brought out of her silent musings by the blond boy’s voice,” I am glad to see that you are safe.”

Heaven help her, his voice was as enticing as his physical attributes. She looked at Nahor, unsure how to respond.

“Ariana, allow me to introduce you to Gabriel and Raphael...they are...Uh...friends of mine.”

She smiled politely, “Wow, you are both named after angels?”

Nahor tried to suppress a smirk- she just had to notice, didn’t she?

The angels shifted uncomfortably, not certain how to respond... Clearly not used to being around humans.

“I guess we are,” Gabriel answered at last, when the silence began to turn awkward. He smiled at her briefly before turning his attention back at Nahor. “It would appear that she is safer with you, Nahor.” he continued; “and we would like to appoint you as her Albar.”

Nahor closed his eyes briefly, cursing silently.... Why did they have to make it so obvious that they were not normal- atleast, not the human definition of normal???

 Knowing how sharp she was, he realized that it would not escape her notice... How could they not know how strange it looked- both the archangels appeared years younger than him physically... added to this surreal conversation, she was bound to ask the very questions that he would rather not answer.

Opening his eyes, he briefly shook his head at Gabriel, hoping both- that the angel understood his meaning and that Aria did not.

Picking up on his gesture Gabriel hastened to make amends. “You will be Nahor’s ward henceforth.” He told Aria.

Nahor bristled, “Ask her.”

Gabriel shot him a bewildered look, before turning back to the girl, “My apologies... Ariana, would you accept Nahor as you Albar ?”

Shit, the angels had totally lost touch with humanity... Nahor thought uncharitably.

Sure enough, confusion filled Aria’s huge eyes. “Albar?”

“It means guardian.” Raphael stepped in swiftly.


“Do you accept, Ariana?” Raphael repeated, mild annoyance leaking into his tone.

Nahor put his hand on the girl’s shoulder, shifting so that he was partially shielding her with his body,”Take your time, Aria.”

He glared at Raphael....what right did he have to speak to the girl like that?

The angel seemed unimpressed, “Very well, while she decides; I would like a word with you.”

He raised an eyebrow, not entirely certain that he wanted to leave Ariana alone after her recent misfortunes.

“I shall stay with her in your absence, if you wish... She will be safe, Nahor.”Gabriel offered, reading the hesitance in his eyes.

Nahor nodded stiffly, leading Raphael to his study.

“I smelt the recent presence of a vampire, Nahor. Care to explain yourself?” Raphael asked, not wasting time with preambles.

“Rohm visited earlier today.” He shrugged.

“Because of the girl?”

“Because he is my friend!”  He contradicted angrily.

“You count that demon among your friends?” The angel’s voice was cool, but Nahor sensed the disapproval in them.

“Rohm has stood by me all these centuries...” he returned, adding  “unlike you.”

Raphael narrowed his eyes, “I don’t trust you, half-breed... your mother’s black blood runs through your veins-“

“Enough!” Nahor interrupted in clipped tones, “Yes, I am half- vampire... but never forget that I’m half-angel too; Raphael.... and I did a whole lot better than your pathetic minions.”

The angel seethed, “I don’t know what your game is, Nahor... but trust me; I will find out. And if I discover that you have been tricking us all are going to be sorry.”

Even though Nahor knew that the angel was thousands of centuries older than him... and wielded great power; he had a sudden impulse to punish him like the ‘barely-out-of-his-teens’ boy he looked to be. His hands fisted, he managed a curt nod.

“Do what you will, but promise me that the girl will not be harmed.”

Raphael looked at him, dark eyes glittering dangerously; but marched out of the room without a word.

Both- the angel and the human looked up from the animated conversation they had been having.

 In an odd way, they looked good together, Nahor thought; glancing at the slight smile on Ariana’s lips. He knew that angels’ had the ability to be extremely charming if they chose- the same as vampires; but his intuition told him that Gabriel was not putting on a show- that he was genuinely ‘nice’.

“Has she made up her mind?” Raphael asked- his voice sounding nothing like the symphony one expected to hear in an angel’s voice.

“Yes,” Ariana admitted in a whisper.

Nahor thrust his hands deep into his pockets- hoping his face did not give away the anxiety that was seemed to be eating him alive.

 “She has accepted our decision, Nahor. She will be your responsibility from now...provided, of-course, that you complete the paperwork.” Gabriel informed them- taking care to insert the expected human necessity of ‘paperwork’ for such situations.

“I would be willing to work part-time to pay for my boarding and food.” Ariana added in a whisper.

“No!” Nahor growled before lowering his voice to a gentler decibel,” You do not have to pay for anything, okay? Just concentrate on being happy...that’s all I ask.”

A tear leaked out of the corner of her eyes, making Nahor wipe it carefully off, “I can’t promise you that everything will be as good as before, Little One, but I will tell you that they can only get better from now on.”

She stared into his stormy grey-green eyes, valiantly trying to smile; but that only made her sob harder, even as Nahor wrapped her into a hug.

 The angels exchanged a smile and tiptoed out, leaving behind the newly appointed Albar and his charge.


PS.- Check out the image of William moseley as archangel Gabriel.!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2011 ⏰

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