The Albar: chapter-6

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Nahor had left Aria briefly with Rita when she awoke. She stared at him when he returned, her mouth opening to form an ‘o’.

“You!” She gasped, “I saw you....but- but you had wings!”

Nahor jerked his head in surprise,”What ?!!”

She remembered???

“I was in a forest... and some dark shapes attacked...but I floating in air...” She spoke rapidly, her words jumbling together in her haste to get them out, “...But then you saved me. You came for me- but...but youhadwings!” She finished in a rush.

He stared at her, he knew his jaw had dropped open; but he could not seem to make his facial muscles respond enough to shut it.

Aria buried her face in her hands, abruptly aware that she sounded insane. She looked up again, observing him more carefully. He did look exactly like the guy with wings from her dream.

“I’m sorry...I guess it was just a dream...” her voice trailed off.

He nodded stupidly, not sure whether he wanted to acknowledge the truth or tell her she was delusional.

She studied him carefully, “Wait, Do I know you?”

He nodded, “I’m Nahor.”

“Nahor-” she repeated slowly, tears pooling in her eyes, “I suppose that means the rest of it wasn’t a dream, was it?”

“Rest of it?” he questioned, not really certain that he wanted to hear anymore.

“The part about my parents dying in the crash.” Her voice was soft as a whisper.

“I’m sorry.” He told her, unsure how to respond; he had lost his family too long ago to really remember its importance, but the muffled sniffles escaping her covered face told him enough. Rita glared at him, urging him to comfort the girl, but he shook his head, slipping out of the room quietly as she went to engulf Aria in a hug.

It had taken a while, but the waterworks had finally stopped and Rita had managed to convince the girl to eat a little. Then she was brought to Nahor who looked up from the papers he was poring over.

Ariana looked at the papers Nahor had been reading- they were the day’s newspapers, detailing the accident which had claimed her parents’ lives. Noticing where she was looking, he quickly folded the paper in half, hiding the giant blown-up image of the mangled cars that graced the cover page.

“Sit, please.” His voice was deep, but gentle.

She obeyed, her eyes never leaving his face.

“Do you... uh... do you have any other family?” He asked.

She shook her head, a tear escaping her recently dried eyes at the mention of the word ‘family’. She bowed her head, staring at the hands folded on her lap with unseeing eyes. She did not want him to see her tears.

He nodded, understandingly. “I see... so, ummm... you have nowhere to go?”

Her head shot up.

“I are underage, Aria.” He explained softly.

She opened her mouth but no words escaped her lips. Till yesterday afternoon she had had a family, a home.... and now, nothing...

“If you have no objections, I was hoping that...uh... maybe, you would like to stay with us?”

She gaped at him, her mind contemplating his offer. What would it entail? She wondered.

She was about to voice her doubts when the doorbell sounded.

Nahor frowned.

Who could it be???

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