Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

She hesitated for a while. She looked at me in bewilderment thinking about what her answer would be. I was beginning to worry, what if she saw through me. What if she knew it was a bluff, what if she got angry and went into evil mode. I pushed all these thoughts to the back of my head.

"Well I don't know if I can give you that kind of information. Do you know where a nail file is, my nails need a major manicure. Ughh I can never get my cuticles quite right." She said holding her hand out showing me her cuticles.

"Do we have any nail polish? Ooooo I know what we can do today. We can give each other mani-pedis. Ooooo and we could have like a spa/ sleep over kind of day." She was some sort of girly freak on the inside. I guess she got comfy enough to be herself. Right in the middle of my thought the door burst open. All heads turned and Teresa stood up (still in Heathers body) and went to the bathroom. She didnt make it far.

"Ah ah ah. HEATHER. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING. You know the drill. When I come down you are to stay in the room, until I say it's okay to move. YOU'VE BEEN HERE THE LONGEST YOU KNOW THE RULES. NEXT TIME I WILL PUNISH YOU" I saw Teresa's face cringe when Lauren called her name. She went back to her seat.

"Now that you all are here. Has anyone seen Teresa. Or as you may know her as Natalie. So has anyo..." Someone cut her off.

"Who is Natalie. You have two ghost friends." It was Taylor.

"No dummy, Natalie is Teresa's real name. Anyways has anyone seen her. Hands please, I have a headache" Taylor raised her hand first, but never got a word out. "No you will all tell me something starting with Taylor. Heather and Brianna go downstairs to your rooms."


I forgot to tell you that there is an upstairs and a downstairs. Upstairs has the kitchen, living room, dining room, and the library.

Downstairs has the bedrooms and a living room and a love room where they have to do it with Will. I will call Terese, Natalie now. I think Teresa's doesn't fit her character.


We went downstairs, and I could see that Taylor was scared. I mouthed that it will be okay and she nodded. Natalie went to Heathers room. She went rumaging for magazines. When she found some she gawked at the shirtless boys on the covers.

"OOOO. Back in my day we weren't allowed these. At least not with boys who's skin isn't covered." She flipped through the pages. I left her to it and sat on the steps so I could hear what was going on. I missed Lauren ask Taylor if she'd seen Natalie, but as long as Taylor didn't say anything dumb i was fine. I had a plan to get Lauren to leave the house so I could find a way to get to James, and find a way to get out.

"No I haven't seen her." Taylor said. Lauren said nothing and Taylor came downstairs. She pointed upstairs, so I went.

"No need to ask I already know. She said that she was going to the place where she died then the place where they buried her. Oh and before I forget she wanted you to come to her, but you need to go speak to Annalay then her ex, then her 'husband' before you go. She said to tell them to tag along because a ritual will be held tonight. If she's not in the graveyard when you get there she said to wait til midnight. Goodbye." I left and Natalie went. I told her that I took care of it and to just say she hasn't seen her. She nodded then went. She came back and smiled at me. She playfully it my arm and mouthed the words thank-you. She began to go to the living room then stopped.

"Wait you know I wasn't married right and I was just a teenager when I was killed. Hehe. Bye now." She did a heel turn. I reached for her.

"Wait Natalie.... You- you- you " I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"I am leaving. Hehe. I would ,like to go read instead. One of those magazines." She left the room and I knew that she didn't want me to follow. So I left her alone. I got on her good side and didn't want to make her angry.

Night rolled around and I dozed off at some point in time. I don't know if Natalie had left Heathers body or not, I didn't really care. I heard noises and shuffling around in my room. I turned over roughly. The shuffling stopped. I began to dream. I was so caught up in my dream I didn't notice the danger around me. Things began to get out of hand and I felt some slight pressure then hands. They were lifting my arms up in the air. My shirt was being removed. Then I was in my bra. Only then did I wake up from the coldness that hit my bare skin. Only then did I realize what was happening. My immediate instinct was to push the boy off of me.

"GET OFF OF ME WILL" I screamed at him. I ran out of the room and up the steps. Lauren, unfortunately was waiting on the side of the steps. She pushed me to the wall. By then the entire house was awake.

"DO WHAT HE SAYS" she screamed at me holding my neck.

"NO IT'S NOT RIGHT" I then noticed a glinting image in her pocket. A knife.


"NO NO NO. I WILL DO IT I PROMISE." She then pulled the object from her pocket.

"Poor poor Amelia. Never to see James again." Like it was on cue he came down the stairs running.


She jabbed the knife in my stomach twisting it so that it would go deeper.

"Whoops sorry. It slipped." She said holding the knife with one hand and putting her finger up to her cheek with the other looking at James.

"Will lets go" They left the room. Then  two bright glowing balls appeared. It was Amelia and Natalie. The whole room was a blurry storm. Then my world began to fade, getting darker and darker every second. This is it. The day I leave this earth...... FOREVER.


Sorry this chapter was short, Its been a few months and no one has read my story sad about that. But its cool hopefully I will get more followers and reads so enjoy

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