Lies, Love, Ghosts, DEATH

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Chapter 1

The day I died was scary. I was 17 and had a boyfriend and lots of friends and I was popular and no one hated me. Except one girl. She hated me I guess

it's because she thought I was better than her. Anyways she would used to say how gorgeous I was with my piercing blue eyes and blonde long hair. She said I could get any guy, then when I ask why say that she would look at me and act like she never said that. Here's how it all began before and after the day I died.


"Heyyy girl. Like omg you look great" my bestie Taylor squealed.

"Thanks. You look. Awesome too"

I was wearing a floreseant yellow top with all my hair flowing down my back like a sea of waves. My eyes had a blue looking eyeshadow hovering the flutter of my eyelids. The eyeliner was a dark blue to bring out my eyes. My heels were pumps a hot pink color. My earrings were aqua blue to match the flowers on my top. I had a blue blazer on and some slender blue pants and it was perfect.

"Ughhhh hideous. Sorry your dresser didn't come she quit she said your style, so last year" thats the riviting voice of Lauren the girl who hates me.

"What do you want. Omg I missed your outfit. It's so adorbs I wanna borrow it when you get done k." That's me trying to be nice.

"Save it Brianna."

"Suit yourself. What do you want me to do, be rude.

"Uhh yea. Did you not get 'Officially Popular'. Your not supposed to be nice. Okay look we are supposed to be scared of you we are not. They love you not acceptable."

"Bye now gotta go" I said as I swung my hair around doing a heel turn.

"Oh and uhhm btw I want my purse back" I winked dipping my hand and hip swiping my purse back.

We are in class droopy boring class. I have gotta pee. Crap it's poop.

"Uhhhm ms. Laner may I go to the restroom?"

"Is it an emergency?"

"Does almost pooping your self count?"


I rush out and into the bathroom. Ahhhh that's better someone walks in. Uhhh great those same old grandma shoes I saw this morning. Lauren's.

I walk out no one in sight. Guess she left I'm checking my hair, I look down to get my brush. When I look up a girl with craze in her eyes extends her arm with a crow bar. Before I can scream I collapse like a single piece of spaghetti falling on your plate. I take one last breath before I fade to blackness.


I wake up with a ginormous headache and I couldn't really breathe. It was horrible.

" uhhh ughhh. Gosh where am I"? I asked knowing I would never get a response.

"HELLO. LAUREN WHERE IN THE HECK ARE YOU. ARGGHHH" just yelling hurts my ribs. I looked down at my arms and realize the cuts and bruises. One caught my eye. It was blue, black and red like someone beat me then cut the bruise open. I pulled my shirt up. Omg what is that. My whole stomach was swelling with redness. It was almost the color of the sky during a horrible storm. Along the spot where my ribs are a horrible black and red line trims the shape and form of my ribs perfectly. I try to sit up. As I do I grunt in agony. It hurts to move. I'm a strong girl though. So I push my self up with all my might until I swing my self into a slanting position so I can see my legs. My legs aren't as bad just claw marks.

"Ughh what the heck happened" I said. "WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU, YOU BRAT." I yelled followed by a scream of pain and a grip to the rib. Gotta control my yelling. "How did I get all of these?"

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