I'll Just Go With Plan B

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Mason's P.O.V

 Tyler dropped the tiger from her arms and stared at me. Not that I wasn't doing the same thing. I probably looked like a gaping fish just staring at her. What do you expect from someone who has a mate that won't talk to you and she is suddenly at your best friend's brother's wedding? Actually I'm pretty happy that she's here. Aw who am I kidding? I fucking estatic that we somehow ended up here in the same place. But I don't think the same goes for Tyler.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked here, trying to keep in my happiness.

  "Umm, well... I-" she didn't finish her sentence as she bolted to the reception as with everyone else. Jesus. Why did I end up with the only mate who can't seem to accept it? I ran after her and soon caught  up with her just as she escaped under the boardwalk.

  "AHHH!" she screamed as I tackled her to the sand.

  "What the hell is your problem man?!" she shrieked.

  "What? I was just trying to get a friendly conversation..." I put up my innocent face. Tyler rolled her eyes at me and then remembered that she was under the boardwalk. With me. Alone.

  "Oh, no you don't!" I say as I grab Tyler again from her escape.

  "Aw come on I don't want to deal with you at my cousin's wedding!" she complained. Hold on, Tyler's cousin is marrying Xavier?!

  "Maria is your cousin?" I asked, kinda disbelieved.

  "Uhhh, duh you idiot boy! Why the hell do you think I'm the maid of honor?" she had a good point there. "Wait a minute, why are you here?"

  "Simple. Xavier is my friends older brother and he invited us to the wedding>"

  "And he asked YOU to be his best man?" she snorted, "Some brother."

  That, I had to laugh at because Drake was complaining about that ever since we got dressed. He kept saying how bad of a brother Xavier was and  kept giving me dirty looks. He acted like a child who got snitched on and is treating the snitcher badly.

  "Ugh, dude you got my dress all covered in sand!" she whined. She started shaking herself off like a dog. Which is funny because I'm a dog...well, wolf but.. you know what I mean. Actually, I haven't noticed what she was wearing until now. Let me tell you, my jaw almost touched the sand as I stared. Her hair came down in soft ringlets down her back. Her green eyes seemed brighter than usual and her skin had that magic glow to it. She could easily be mistaken for a godess. Oh god, right now, I just want to have her here and now. But I would probably get my ass whooped by her if I tried.

  "Helloo? Is anybody in there? You got some drool comming out," I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tyler looking at me as if I was a disease. To tell you the truth, it kinda hurt, considering your own mate thinks of you as the swine flu.

  "I'm fine," I said wiping my mouth to see me hand now completely wet. Damn. I was drooling that bad? Tyler looked at me for a second before walking off, trying to look casual doing it. But failing miserably

  "Well, nice seeing you today but, my people are probably looking for me so...bye!" she broke into a run but din't go far as I grabbed her waist and plopped her back into the spot she was in before.

  "Hey! You're ruining my great escape!" she whined. She even pouted her lip and stamped her foot. It was so adorable and cute. She looked so innocent and- focus Mason! Don't go all mushy right now.

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