Chapter 28: I Really Don't Have a Title For This One

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Sorry for not posting in like 2MONTHS?!?!? Crazy, I know but I hope you like this one even though it might not be very funny :)


A howl rang through the air, and I froze on the spot. Well shit. Isn't this just craptastic.

"Um, Liam?" I nudge my brooding brother in the ribs. He turns to glare at me. Well then, Mr. Grumpy.

"What now?" He snaps. Sigh. I guess I really pushed him over the edge now.

Another howl ripped through the air. This time closer than before.

I pointed in a random direction. "There is a possibility that we might be being hunted down right now, you know. Considering that we're trespassing in someones territory."

His face goes blank and he sniffs our surroundings. Then, his expression darkens as he turns to me. What did I do this time?

"Why didn't you say something before!?" Liam yells.

Well jeez, it's not like I knew any sooner than him. What's his problem? I mean, all I did was annoy him to death and accidentally-maybe-on-purpose not warn him about the slope. It's not like I killed his wife or anything. Well, if he ever had a wife. Which is unlikely.

Before I could reply to his question, Liam grabs my arm and starts pulling me somewhere.

"Come one, we have to get out of here before we get caught," he says.

But before we even manage to get a few feet away from where we were, a giant ass gray wolf pops up out of nowhere in front of us. A few more wolves come out and surround us too. Each of them were baring their teeth at us and growling. I guess escaping the territory undetected is out of the question.

The grey wolf barks and the other wolves close in. Shit-biscuts. Now what? Pretty soon we're gonna be dead if I don't do something. Why is it always me that has to save our asses? Oh right, because I'm awesome. I forgot. (No I didn't. I'm always awesome.) Just as they prepare to attack, I stop them.

"WAIT!" I shout.

They all freeze and look at me as if to say 'what?'.

I pause and look around for a moment. Truthfully, I thought that they wouldn't even stop.

"Uh... you don't want to kill us JUST yet. I mean you didn't even see the surprise yet!"

This time, all wolves narrowed their eyes at me. I felt a little intimidated by it too. Evil little buggers. I bet they all practiced that before coming over here and ambushing us. Snarky little muddafuckas.

Slowly, I reached into my pocket and pulled out whatever was in there, which happened to be a marker. But not just and marker. It's one of those super cool scented ones. Why the hell do I have that in my pocket of all places?

"Look! A marker!" I gasp and pretend to be amazed.

I flaunted it to all of the wolves and stared at it in awe. Oh gosh, even I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Whoa!" I say, "It's even scented!" I took off the cap and inhaled deeply. "Wow, lemony lemon!"

Liam smacks his forehead. You could tell that he thought my stalling was completely unsuccessful. Meanie.

All of the wolves looked dumbfounded. Honesty, I don't blame them. This might be the most stupidest and most desperate thing I have ever done. And that's saying a lot.

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