Louis ~ Faints Out Of Exhaustion

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The boys were standing doing a photo-shoot when Louis collapsed, falling between them.
"Louis? What's happened?" Niall asked as he peeked out from behind Liam.
"Louis? I think he's passed out," Liam said as both he and Harry knelt beside Louis.
"Louis? Can someone get the medic?" Harry asked. Louis was lying on his front with his head turned to one side.
"Can he breathe Harry?"
"I think so," Harry said, and he leant down to listen to Louis's breathing. "Yeah, he's breathing."
"Can we turn Louis onto his side please?" The medic asked as they arrived.
"Of course."
"I've got him," Liam said, and together they turned Louis onto his side. Niall was now kneeling beside Louis and he put his hand onto Louis's side.


Louis got lots of sleep, and after 21 hours, Niall woke him up.
"Louis. It's time to get up."
"Niall?" Louis whispered, and Niall sat on his bed.
"Yeah, it's me. Are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah. I fainted yesterday... didn't I?"
"You did. We've been worried about you."
"Sorry lad, I just..."
"It's ok, you don't need to explain it."
"What time is it?" Louis asked as he reached out his hand and Niall took it.
"It's coming up 5pm."
"That... that late?"
"Yeah. Paul wants us to leave for LA in an hour. Do you need me to help you pack and get ready?"
"Please Niall."
"Ok," Niall said and he kissed Louis's forehead. "I'm going to start packing while you get out of bed ok?"
"Ok. Thanks," Louis replied. He slowly got out of bed, and got his clothes on. Niall gave him a hand, before he walked with Louis to the car.

Louis slept all the way to the hotel, and Paul carried him to his bed for the night. Liam slept in the same room as Louis to make sure that he was ok, and in the morning they got a doctor to check him over. Louis was still suffering from exhaustion, so Paul ordered him on bed rest & Pjs only for 3 days. He didn't attend any interviews, and sleepy Louis was cuddling everyone he could. Safe to say, all the other boys loved it ❤️.

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