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I shuffled behind the queue in front of me. The hall was large and church-looking and the whole school was frantically being moved from place to place in year groups. When I got to the row I sat second to the end. A group of girls hesitated over the chair sat at the right of me-the last on the row, then moved to the row behind.

They obviously didn't want to be split up. I put my bag under the chair then slumped down, bored. To my left Ashley was talking to Sarah, so I looked up at the ceiling, whilst the rest of the school were sitting.

A teacher spotted the empty chair next to me from a distance and pointed it out to a boy who I hadn't seen before. I couldn't take my eyes off him. The first day back after summer was the most boring, the service in the community hall often dragged and there wasn't much point of going in.

The boy was a little taller than me and had brown, curly hair-which had been cut short. He had bright blue eyes and gappy teeth, he was just like Olly from years & years, the base of my fandom. As he approached I turned quickly away, not to look like a stalker. He tapped me.

The headteacher began to speak.
"Hey" he whispered. I looked around.
"Hey me?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, you" he replied.
"Oh...uh hey." I hushed.
"I saw you looking at me." He added. I fidgeted for a minute trying to think of an answer.

"Oh yeah, you just sorta remind me of someone" I whispered.
"Well, who?" He asked. I spotted a teacher looking at us. I didn't reply, the whole hall was hushed apart from the speakers booming as the teacher spat and spoke into the microphone.
"Or is it just a crush," He smirked.

"Haven't even been here two minutes and already I've got girls fantasising over me." He added.
I sat silently. A teacher tapped him on the shoulder.

She shushed loudly, then returned to her seat.
I looked at the boy, he had shrugged her off and was smiling, looking at the teacher who was babbling on still. I sighed and slumped down again bored.

Because the assembly lasted roughly three hours, we got to go home after. I looked forward to going home.

Netflix and my bed were at home.

Three hours later, rows were starting to leave, I got my bag and held onto it, waiting for the teacher to say it was okay for us to leave. Our row stood up, the boy looked confused as to where to go but then spotted the other row and followed on. He slowed down until I was next to him.

"Sam." He said.
"Hannah." I replied.
"So what are you doing now?" He asked. We walked out of the town gates into the town.
"Nothing, just heading home I think." I replied.

My bag fell from my shoulder. He reached down and picked it up for me.
"Good, because you're coming with me."
"What?" I asked.
"Come on." He said.
"I'll just have to text my Mum, telling her I won't be home when expected." I said.

I was questioning my decision but Sam seemed nice plus looked like Olly, so I followed him.

Sam AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now