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I shuffled through my bag looking for my bus ticket. The school bus approached and I boarded it quietly, I sat on top of the baggage part as there were no remaining seats, apart from the one next to Bogey Paul, which everyone found best to avoid. I shuddered at the thought.

I launched Spotify again and plugged in my music. It was just me and the music. The bus jolted to a stop, my head swung and hit the bus window hard. I went dizzy, I had no idea what happened.

The bus driver angrily shouted and swore at the person in the car who swerved out causing us to make a sudden stop. I couldn't see.
"Everyone okay? I'm so sorry y'all, it was that b*st*rds fault!" He yelled.
He turned around and looked at me. I put my hand on the back of my head and felt it , I flinched in pain and a girl screamed at the sight of blood running down my hand from the injury. The bus driver got up and ran towards me.

"Hello,can you hear me?! Say something! How many fingers am I holding up?" He repeated as the whole bus rushed to the front of me.

My vision suddenly went fuzzy and I blacked out completely. The next think I knew I was being asked questions in an ambulance. I had an oxygen mask on and I could hear the beeping of a heart monitor, but the people speaking were making no sense. I was just so tired, I fell asleep.

When I woke again my Mum was sat on my bed, along with Sam. I shuffled and my Mum helped me up.
"Hi, honey." My Mum whispered.
"Wh-whats going on?" I said.
A nurse entered my chamber.

Sam was looking all sorry and sad, it made me want to cry. In his hand he had a photo in a frame and a card signed from Years & Years. I smiled but tried to reach my head in pain, I couldn't , there was a big collar round my neck. I began to shake.
"The scanner is ready now. You can go, we'll call you." The Nurse said as she was assisted putting me on a body glider.

Oo plot twist just wanna say I love you all and respect you all so much, tysm for the feedback, keep reading and supporting. You're all great! Xo

Sam AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now