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*this part is about how Elena lost her memory*

"Dad , well it's your birthday and the amazing-est children me and JJ decided to sunrise you with a little something" JJ nudged me , indicating that we show him what we had gotten him. Both me and my brother had worked hard to get my father a special something.

We both dragged our Dad into the garage showing him what the surprise was. "My god , that's beautiful and how much was this for?!?" It was a new car and it was the classics , that my dad adored. "Come here you little minions" He embraced us both for a hug and it was just tight and comfortable , like its always supposed to be.

"You should take us for a little drive , in your brand new car!" We both smiled widely , impatiently waiting for a reply. He agreed and we had settled in way too quickly , receiving looks from Mom. "You okay there dear" . I nodded and carried on singing my lungs out .

"Boybands nowadays, they all brainwash females into listening to their music , well because they're attractive" I sent a death glare right over to JJ's direction.

It was so nice to be altogether , my dad is always out and about because of work and there's mum , who provides us with everything from love to care . "Good to see you like this dad , with all of us" He leant forward and kissed my forehead "Thank you kiddo"

"Calum said that he could get us in without a ticket , to their gig" I smiled knowing that my friend , all the hard work had paid off with him , Luke , Ashton and Michael. "I'm really proud of him and his friends" I looked at JJ , knowing that i am really close with the guys.

Yes okay, I have a crush (big) one on Calum, he just doesn't realise it. Every time he's mentioned I turn red as a tomato , trying to avoid gazes from JJ or even mum and dad and even my friends . I never had strong feelings for anyone , with Calum I've known him since we were in diapers .

The next morning , I head to school with Talia and straight into my first lesson , English. "Hey   Lena, you coming to the gig tonight" I nodded and smiled. "Hell yeah, I'm there to support my best friends , no one is stopping me!" Talia giggled and rolled her eyes. "What?"

Finally! English has ended and made my to my locker , before i could I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Calum smiling widely at me and he placed his arm around my shoulder. "You are definitely coming right?" I chuckled at his question. "Of course you puppy wouldn't miss it for the world!" Calum smiled at my response. "See you there".

It was lunch and I was joined by the boys and Talia , we were crowded by people and we laughed at topics , like dropping a tray of food on the principle and a piece of meat in her bra had been found.

It was finally an hour before the show and decided to dress myself in a flannel shirt the was pretty long and decided to don my white converse too! "Elena hurry up!" Talia yelled as we quickly head down to my dad's car and made our way to the venue.

We finally arrived at the venue as my dad left , me and Talia ran to find the perfect place to stand. Majority of the audience were girls , I wonder why. "So Calum knows about you know" I shook my head and replied with a simple "No".

"Just wait and watch I will see you two having babies" Okay Talia. "Talia ,I know you like Luke" She gulped and blushed too hard for me to notice.

The gig finally started and we sang our hearts out and enjoyed their sense of humour and everyone looked like they were having a great time .

I quickly made my way backstage as the boys had just come off the stage to congratulate them. "You guys nailed it out there" I embrace Ashton in a hug and he just giggled. Michael and Luke later came , didn't even see a sight of Calum. "You seen Calum anywhere?" I asked the boys , they all turn to look at each other and then turned to me and shrugged their shoulders and had no clue.

I was walking by myself backstage not knowing where to go and quickly pulled out my phone to see a text , from Mum and quickly replied to her. When I was still walking , I heard noises and I was getting closer hearing giggles and see Calum making out with another girl. I was broken. I loved the boy. Strong feelings.

I abruptly pushed the door open and see my dad waiting for me outside the venue. He had seen me and horned at me , I quickly ran into the car. "How was the concert?"

"It was great , seeing my friends performing out there was unbelievably awesome" I said trying to hold back the tears.

It started to rain , heavily and we barely could see vision. "Dad!" We see something on the road and the car skidded and the unexpected it turned over. The last thing I could see was Dad , covered in blood lying there unconscious.

- Third Person's POV

Both Elena and her Dad were both laying unconscious and finally the ambulance arrive at the scene of crash. They are both put on a stretcher and they are both driven off to the hospital .

Elena is in the operation room , getting checked and getting stitched up. While the nurses and doctors tried to get her dad to response. No response at all.

Both JJ and his mom , ran straight to see Elena and only see her resting from the trauma. "I would like to know where Jonathan Garcia 's room is?"  She asked the doctor.

"Jonathan Garcia , I'm sorry he is dead" Her mother was in utter shock as well as JJ and she had broken down in tears and sobbed through the days .

The Doctor came into Elena's room and told that Elena is breathing very well and she is strong , but however. "Sorry , but your daughter has lost her memory , due to her hitting hard onto the roof of the car."


"JJ , I want you to go home , keep your head down and don't tell anyone about this!" JJ nodded and exited. Marlene Garcia stayed all night to watch over her daughter .

- Current : Elena's POV

"That's how I lost my memory?" JJ looked at me in sympathy and embraced me into a tight hug. "I had a crush on Calum?!?" JJ nodded and laughed.

Thinking about this was bringing back more and it was necessary for me. "So that's why we moved away for years?" Mom and JJ told no-one about it , no wonder why Calum bully's me.

"Now that you know everything I don't want you to worry about it" I smiled and finally to know that I was such a person that everyone loved. Wow. Things Change. People Change.

ELENA' HAD A CRUSH ON CALUM  omg! He doesn't even know!

She's Kinda Hot though! Is killing me right now!

Update will be soon , thank you for the support and 2.8k reads! means a lot to me! *tears of joy*

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