Chapter 42

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Reece POV

it have been 4 months seen i left LA and left Emma 

its horrible i miss her so much its unbelievable

even though we text, call and facetime all the time its not the same 

i just miss her so much, i would do anything to be back in her arms but i cant, i have to by law stay with my family (unless im adopted which is not going to happen) in Germany, same with Emma and her family until she is 18

school life is so different from here to LA, school is at a harder level and i have to do GCSEs here a year earlier where as in LA i would do my exams at aged 17 then A levels at 18 and 19 

the only up side to this is i finish school 2 years earlier than i would of in LA but i still have to go to six form or college for 2 years by law 

its  the Easter holidays  meaning im off school for a week so is Emma so we are facetiming a lot

i guess she is still asleep as i haven't heard form her yet and she hasn't answered my texts 

"hey Recce do you wanna play basketball?" my 12 year old brother asks me 

i look at my watch and see its 1pm 

meaning in LA its 6am 

i don't think she would be awake now haha

"yeah sure little bro, let me just get changed first and i will be down" i reply 

"get ready for your ass to be beaten" he replys leaving my room 

i laugh and shut the door to get changed 

he thinks he is a pro at basketball as he plays in his school team 

but i must say he is a good player but not better than me 

i changed out of my jeans into some sports shorts 

pick up my phone incase Emma rings or anything

run down the stairs into the kitchen where mum is sitting reading a book grab a bottle of water and head into the garden where this is a basket ball ring

i place my phone and bottle of water down ready  to start the game 

"your going down big bro" he says throwing the ball at me 

i laugh "ha, in your dreams" 

then we started,  it started off going well

until he got the ball pass me and went to put the ball into the ring but completely missed 

i laughed and said "good try" as i got the ball 

i bounced it down the court around my brother and went to throw it into the ring  and got it in 

we played for another 20-30 minutes until mum called us in for lunch 

the score was 3-2 to me 

he is saying that i 'cheated' even though i cant see how that is possible in basketball 

after i eat lunch which was a cheese roll some crisps and some coke i go up to my room waiting  to facetime Emma 

when her face appears on my scream i know she is up to something

Emma POV

"thanks dad!"  i say pulling him into a hug 

"no problem kiddo" he says smiling "now go and facetime reece but dont say a word" i nod smiling again and walk off happily to my room 

dad has arranged that tomorrow i will fly to Germany to get reece which will be a surprise and stay there for a few days then we will fly back where reece will stay with us until Sunday and then he will fly back to Germany

its been about 4 month seem i last saw reece when he left to go to germany 

i miss him like crazy

even though we speck all the time its not the same as him being here with me 

i miss not being able to kiss or cuddle with him 

i just miss him so much  without him here it has made life so hard but tomorrow i will be back in his arms where i belong 


im so sorry about all the change and that but i hope this chapter is ok i spend 4 hours writing this 

one more chapter until the end of another chance series

- Sophie xx



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